"We are not here to defend or promote evolution. You asked for a scientific overview of evolution. The point is that there is no 'good science' that demonstrates evolution is true."
Once again, BR., you're leading young minds down the path to delusion and failure. You're a lying sack of shit and I suspect you know that you are. There is no evidence supporting creationism. All the evidence supports the ToE. Get it straight and pass it along straight.
"Basically, the theory is that some 15-30 billion years ago, there was nothing."
No, that's the Big Bang theory, dipshit, not the ToE. And, as far as I know, no credible scientists are estimating the age of the universe at much over 15 billion years. Certainly not 30 billion.
"Then, all of a sudden, BANG. All that is exploded into existance from nothing."
The Big Bang was not an explosion, dinkwad.
"Since then, the universe has been on a steady course of random evolution."
Once the universe cooled down, stars and planets formed, organic compounds were formed, etc., and the first lifeform came into being THEN evolution could start taking place.
While the mutations involved in evolution are random, natural selection is not random.
"According to the theory, this random course has come to the point where we are now."
No, natural selection is not random.
"Even in the most basic explanation (as I have given here) it is flawed."
No, you mean "This most basic explanation, as I have given here, is flawed."
"One of the fundamental laws of physics is that matter can neither be created nor destroyed. This whole theory assumes that matter spontaneously created itself."
No, I don't think so. I'm no physicist, but doesn't the Big Bang theory say that all matter was in a single point? It's not created, it expands into the space created in the Big Bang.
"On the other hand, God is the author of the laws of Physics."
Prove it. Prove that God exists and that he is the author of anything.
"He can do miracles,"
Prove that, too.
"and He gave us the explanition that he created the universe."
Some ancient, genocidal, misogynistic, not very bright tribesmen gave you that explanation, BR., not your imaginary God.
BR., think of all the respect you could garner by simply presenting credible evidence to support your assertions. Just think, we atheists would stop making fun of you and actually respect you. Wouldn't that be great? Why don't you STFU and work on that for a while?