Do you know how they judge the age of a fossil? They look at the layer of earth it is found in and then assign an age to the fossil because of the age of that layer of earth. Sounds good until you realize how they determine the age of the layer of earth. Do you know how? By what fossils are found in it!! Wow that is scientific!!
And your educational credentials qualifying you to judge the science behind geological and radiometric dating are......?
Thought so...
Here's the thing: They don't just rely on ONE dating method. When they cross-reference the suggested date with other dating methods, guess what? They all converge on the earth being ~4.5 billion years old. ALL OF THEM suggest the fossils and the earth are WAY OLDER than the 6,000 years you clowns are suggesting it is.
Let's say we're having a competition to accurately measure the width of the US continent. Multiple measurement methods are allowed, as long as they are calibrated against an agreed-upon standard of distance. Let's say 50 people and organizations choose to compete. When looking at the results, all of them are on the order of several thousand miles, with some slight variance. Then there's you, the only one of the fifty, suggesting they're all wrong, they're not being scientific, and you are insisting that the distance is actually 25 feet simply because some 2000-year-old book of mythology told you it is. So are you seriously suggesting they're all conspiring together along with all of the cartographers to mislead everyone on earth that the width of the US is several thousand miles?
So who's not being scientific here? You, or the scientists?
Do you know how fundies tell the age of the earth? Once upon a time there was an old guy who looked at an ancient book of fairy tales and guessed how long people actually lived. Then he added up a bunch of his guesses, and by guessing some more came up with the age of the earth! And people today just blindly accept all of his guessing based on some old book! And then they call it "science"!! Wow that is scientific!!
There are more methods of dating strata than just biostratigraphy Ralph. Though, biostratigraphy is commonly used for dating in the Phanerozoic, because it can be used to correlate rocks that are of the same age across the globe, even if the index fossil used for dating is found in a different rock type. Also, the error margin is not as vast as radiometric dating, so the date acquired can be more definitive and accurate.
Do you know where they judge the intelligence of a person? They look at the answers given in an I.Q. test, and then assign a definition, based on the score of right vs. wrong answers. Sounds good when you realize how they determine which answers are right, and which are wrong. By knowledge gained by science;
Very Superior
Normal or Average
Borderline Deficient
Feeble Minded;
Wow, that is scientific!!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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