Jennifer LeClaire #fundie

8 Questions to Ask Yourself Right Now

I am not one to beat the air (1 Cor. 9:26). I don't presume to know what spirit may be attacking me by comparing symptoms to a checklist. Articles like these are meant to prime the pump of information that could spark a revelation. Ultimately, we need Holy Spirit discernment to be absolutely sure we're waging warfare against the right demon. The last thing we want to do is provoke another spirit to join forces with the real culprit. We need to put the discernment back into spiritual warfare.

In my experience, though, there are some practical questions you can ask yourself to help you discern a witchcraft attack:

1. Are you on an emotional roller coaster, rushing from anger to sadness to confusion? You could be under a witchcraft attack.

2. Are you so overwhelmed with your circumstances that you just want to call in sick, stay in bed and feel sorry for yourself? You could be under a witchcraft attack.

3. Do you feel like nobody can possibly understand what you are going through and that nobody even cares anyway? You could be under a witchcraft attack.

4. Do you feel like everything you do is wrong, that nobody appreciates you anyway? You could be under a witchcraft attack.

5. Are you getting offended with people, are you touchy and fretting over what people are doing or saying? You could be under a witchcraft attack.

6. Are people rising up against you with false accusations and angry outbursts without any apparent justification? You could be under a witchcraft attack.

7. Are you reasoning out your life to the point of fear or confusion? You could be under a witchcraft attack.

Before I understood the power of witchcraft, I could answer yes to those questions when I was under attack. Witchcraft doesn't hit me that way anymore. In fact, I've learned to take authority over it, cast down imaginations, be slow to speak and maintain my joy despite the exhaustion, low-grade headaches and burning eyes.

When that doesn't work, I've learned that when I've done all I can do, to stand. I've learned to open my mouth and ask others to fight with me because one can put 1,000 to flight and two can put 10,000 to flight. And I've learned to get into the presence of God and pray in the Spirit. If we submit ourselves to God and resist witchcraft, it will eventually flee. Remember, when you've done all you can do, stand. Just keep standing.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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