Dreiko #fundie escapistmagazine.com

As for Dreiko, I would hate to live in a world wherein pedophilia is acceptable. You're telling me you'd be okay with your children, let's say aged five, ten, and thirteen, having sex with twenty, thirty, for forty-somethings?

I went with the pedophilia definition most people here use. (basically, if it's under 18, you're over 18 and you have sex with it, you're a pedo in America)

I'd say about age 12-14, depending on the person, is fine yes.

The age of the other partner isn't an issue for me. There can be abusive asshole teenagers and there can be slightly deluded loving and caring fourty-year-olds. Too many time the former is ignored, too many times the latter is overly demonized, as though to make up the difference, this is stupid and needs to change.

I believe some kids are able to give consent at that age, I definitely know I would around age 11 if I actually, you know, had the opportunity and actually wanted to do it. I definitely know I wouldn't have regretted it.

You need to remember, just because you turn 18 it doesn't mean you're mentally mature all of a sudden. Some young teens are much more mature than a lot of adults, they DESERVE to have the right to control their bodies in whichever way they please.

All this is is a way to protect the ones that don't have the necessary levels of maturity by stifling the natural form of those that do and demonizing others for being attracted to the actuality of what they're supposed to be attracted to, simply because it matured too fast.

If an apple is perfectly red and delicious-looking, you wouldn't stop yourself because all the other ones around it are still green.



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