Last week, a couple were threatened with fines of $25 a day by their homeowners’ association unless they removed a four-foot wreath shaped like a peace symbol from the front of their house.
The fines have been dropped, and the three-member board of the association has resigned, according to an e-mail message sent to residents on Monday.
...A board member later told a newspaper that he thought the familiar circle with angled lines was also, perhaps, a sign of the devil.
Oh you silly Fundies, don't you know that the peace sign wreath is to PROTECT the house from the Devil (it's an old Amish custome, yeah, that's it, that's the ticket!!!).
That's good policy, fine people for displaying an obvious peace symbol because you thought it was PERHAPS a sign of the "devil." And, yet, s/he probably holds a job, drives, votes and has children. Eek!
The board member in question who was, perhaps, a little STUPID , is in fact a man, Papabear. I heard this one earlier this week, but in the previous versions he fired 5 board members when they refused to support his intolerance. This whole "resigning in shame (protest?)" thing is a new one for me.
And so what if it was a symbol of the devil? Let's say they did worship the what? I doubt there would have been any $25 a day fines tossed around for garish christmas displays. Discrimination, pure and simple...
Homeowners associations are useless. I think they should only involve themselves in maintaining the common areas and leave community policing of behavior to the people who have to live there and the local authorities if there is some true danger or violation of someone else's rights.
Even in the area around your home, you are not entitled to be free of being offended. If someone violates the law, that's one thing, but if you just don't like the way someone decorates their home, whether it be a political or religious statement, you could try working it out with them. If you can't, you can move.
I am sxurrounded by x-mas displays around where I live. Some of them look very nice to me, some are way overdone. While I don't hold the beliefs that these people do who put these up, I see it as an expression of themselves and their beliefs. It is none of my business. I can appreciate some and not others, but I would never suggest, nor would I expect anything to be done about changing them or taking them down.
It is a decorative display and does nothing to anyone...
Why are people such cowards?
Wahhhhhhh! Peace is scary and threatening to me!!! Please, homeowner's association, make them stop reminding me that people are dying in wars like it's a bad thing!!! Wahhhhhh!
I just read the full article. Man, the people who initially complained about this are finding themselves in a peace-sign purgatory right now -- the whole town has become a hotbed of peace-sign making, from handmade signs placed in windows to gigantic ones being tramped out in snowy fields to a huge peace-sign wreath that will be displayed by the town on a bell tower! Wow, talk about a backfire!
~David D.G.
I've actually med a fundie who told me the same thing about the peace sign being a satannic symbol. Suprisingly enough it wasn't some batshit insane off-the-wall accusation but made some sense (in a symbology/theology context).
He claimed thet the peace sign is an inverted cross with its arms broken. In other words it's a twice defiled cross so it logically (in theological sot of way) follow that it's a satannic symbol.
I tried arguing thet symbols only have the meaning that is attached to them by the majority of people, but as you can guess it was no use.
Ville Vicios: The argument presented is if you know the facts exactly a "batshit insane off-the-wall accusation", the symbol is the CND sign and is CND in semaphor it was created by such well known statn worshippers as Bertrand Russel and his associates. The broken cross allegation is nicely dealt with in the middle portion of Stephen King's "Hearts in Atlantis". Theological bull can't stand in the face of facts.
Yeah, let's not worry about the war in Iraq, global warming, the exploding prison population or the number of hungry people in the USA. Let's concentrate on possibly satanic images on home christmas wreaths. That will show the heathens that christians really mean business.
So Satan is the prince of Peace now?
Dang, every time the fundamentalists bring up this Satan fellow, he sounds better and better!
"The fines have been dropped, and the three-member board of the association has resigned, according to an e-mail message sent to residents on Monday."
You'd have though that people would learn from examples such as this, to say nothing of Dover Area School District's board just a year later.
Don't fuck with the law, right-wing fundies. The consequences of defying Romans 13:1-5 is the least of your problems.
"...A board member later told a newspaper that he thought the familiar circle with angled lines was also, perhaps, a sign of the devil."
What about those laurel wreaths , that - along with the gold, silver & bronze medals - the US's athletes were presented with at the 2004 Athens Olympics?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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