kahnman #fundie community.livejournal.com

It's very funny how so many people let their personal "politics" blind them to basic facts of nature.

While it is true that how a woman decides to dress does not infer any conscious "message" from her. The message is still there! It has been repeatedly demonstrated in scientific studies of human physiology, that the [normative] human brain is hard-wired to respond to certain visual cues, in very specific ways. To varying extents this type of inborn "conditioning", and even specific cues, are common to many mammalian species. For example, most higher mammals have, at birth, a head size that relative to the body, is rather large. So when our brain identifies such a head/body ratio in something we see, there is a near-automatic protective "compassion" response. This is one of the reasons why we have the "Oh how cute!" response to kittens/puppies and such... The same type of cue-response pairs are also defined for "reproductive behaviors", which we humans carry over into recreational-Sex. There have been a number of studies on how women respond differently to the same photographs of men, depending on whether they are ovulating, or elsewhere in the run of their period. But specifically to our case, show the a cartoon "outline" similar to the following, to a post-puberty male. You will find, most of the time, that regardless of whether they have ever had sex or not, or even been exposed to the naked female body, you'll be able to measure a physical response, even if only an unconscious one, in specific sex-related areas of the brain.

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Of all the guys here that saw this, for how many did the word "pussy!" immediately flash across their mind? So while this is a very low-key "stimulus" and thus highly unlikely to generate an erection, the closer the image is to the "real thing" the stronger the response is going to be. One of the many such cues, is seeing the "arch-line" that is created in a woman's legs, when she is in high-heals. This is precisely why we find them "sexy" to begin with. Another such cue is the cat-like stretching motion that women often use, often completely unconsciously on their part.

So while many women have no intention of broadcasting "fuck me" while wearing such heals, this is in fact the message that their body is broadcasting to all healthy males around them. These unwitting males, being hard-wired like they are, will then respond to this message, in varying degrees, depending on their personality. This, of course, does NOT consist an excuse to then abuse the woman against her will. But then, some men are closer to their animal side than others.

To take the example of the rape victim "asking for it". Of course she is NO such conscious intention. BUT it is also the highest form of arrogance (and hypocrisy), to [knowingly] titillate men, and then expect ALL men to keep their initially involuntary responses entirely in check! Some men, some of the time, will fail to do so.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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