I hope you're not serious. If you are, and happen upon this post, summer is coming (in North America) and 'tis the season for students to send up weather balloons with cameras attached to take their own high-altitude photos of the Earth and its curvature.
A personal near-term goal of mine is to lend my GoPro and the necessary funding - whenever I can put that much money together for something like this - to local students so they can take photographs of the Earth as it appears from the edge of space. (There are even kits available online. It's not quite so simple as merely sending up a balloon, however; there are air traffic safety concerns and weather patterns to consider.)
If you were willing to share where approximately you live, and you're interested in participating, I'm sure I could find enthusiasts local to your area who would jump at the chance to have their very own pictures of the Earth. You can then see, with your own eyes - with your own camera, if you wish - that the Earth is round. (This is why ships disappear bottom-first over the horizon as they sail away.)
As a Believer, you likely share the common religious view that humanity has been given stewardship of this world; a magnificent - a royal - bequest by God who entrusted us, the human race (both individually and collectively), to care for the whole of this place with respect for the various kinds of life and the unique habitats necessary to sustain them.
Even as all the diverse parts of a human being emerge from a single zygote, so too did all life descend from a singular place and all of humanity are a singular people.
It is so important that people, including religious individuals such as the OP, recognise this world not only as a work of art but as our one and only home; a home about which we should all have at least a basic understanding (if not better) coupled to a profound respect - and not merely an abstract respect but a concrete one built on a foundation of understanding.
...understanding basic facts about this world, such as that it is round and that it does circle the Sun.
...understanding the limitations of our planet and the kinds of pressure human activity places on the world and its environs.
...understanding that we, humans, are responsible for the outcomes of we do; that our actions have perfectly natural, explicable, fairly predictable, and potentially dire consequences. We have no right to blame the current state of affairs on any intelligence but our own.
It is truly sad how little some people know about our planet - that all persons are part of a single family; that this one world is home to so many forms of life, all of which developed on this ball that came from "welter and waste" (Robert Alter's translation of the Hebrew terms "to-hu" and "va-vo-hu" from Genesis 1:2).
All of us are indebted to the life and land that sustains us. People quibble over what form of payment this debt requires. And some people, often religious, fail to recognise any debt at all...not even that we should share with one another.
Despite this, too many Christians are criminally careless:
Many Christian fundamentalists feel that concern for the future of our planet is irrelevant, because it has no future. They believe we are living in the End Time, when the son of God will return, the righteous will enter heaven, and sinners will be condemned to eternal hellfire. They may also believe, along with millions of other Christian fundamentalists, that environmental destruction is not only to be disregarded but actually welcomed even hastened as a sign of the coming Apocalypse. -- "Christian Right Views Are Swaying Politicians and Threatening the Environment" by Glen Scherer for Grist
Thankfully not all persons of faith are so thankless and myopic: "Top Seven Bible Verses About Taking Care of the Earth"
I'm hammering at environmental concerns in response to a post claiming the world is flat because, in my opinion, this is all of a piece: Ignorance - and especially a studied and deliberate disregard for basic facts about the Earth - almost always goes hand-in-hand with a reckless indifference (or even overt hostility) toward the state of world affairs.
My own belief is that such attitudes - the kind of deliberate stupidity that would cause a person of this era who is literate and has net access to claim the world is flat - do need to be challenged.