[Discussing tolerance of atheism and secular society]
You're quite right. Let's junk all this religious dogma that keeps interfering with what we want to do. I personally feel we should get rid of all these religious laws that slop over from this whole God thing. I mean, really, "Thou shalt not kill?" That's the first one I'd get rid of. Democrats should be used as targets. Along with their wives, children and pets. Morality is a phoney, religious construct. I should be able to rape, torture and steal to my own satisfaction. Atheists would be the first to agree. Right?
Wrong. Rape, torture and theft are both illegal and immoral. We don't need some scriptural nonsense to tell us that, and nobody ever said that morality is a religious construct. Indeed, quite the opposite, given the bloodlust which so many fundies show so freely.
Wrong. That is not atheism, that is anarchism. Sounds similar, I know, but they are quite different. Most atheists believe that as humans are social animals, we must show each other empathy and respect, to further the wellbeing for everyone, and most follow the Golden Rule, which predates your religion at least. More laws are based on the Golden Rule than on the Bible. The Bible says Thou shalt not kill, unless I thy God commands you to, and only two of the ten commandments are made into laws.
Most secular countries are governed by human rights and have stopped using the Death Penalty a long time ago.
Actually, the bible doesn't say "Thou shalt not kill." The translation in the King James Version (KJV) is wrong. The bible says "You shall not murder" (check the NIV, NKJV and NRSV for the proper translation).
Law is a social construct built upon what society deems to be correct. Religion is applied as an enforcement measure.
"I mean, really, 'Thou shalt not kill?' That's the first one I'd get rid of."
Your sarcasm would be more apt if "Thou Shalt Not Kill" worked in the first place. In case you haven't noticed, it doesn't seem to prevent jack shit.
"Atheists would be the first to agree. Right?"
Yes, I agree that you should get rid of religious bullshit that pretends to make people act appropriately since, you know, it doesn't work . All of your little examples appear to be your own sick fantasies, so no, I don't agree with those.
Ah, another "You are a psychopath without God." bit.
So you're saying, deep down inside, you really do want to kill, rape, torture and steal?
Thought so.
The rest of us, however, don't need some big meanie in the sky threatening us to behave ourselves.
Your little rant only reveals what a morally bankrupt little shit you are. No grand surveillance camera in the sky nor divine sword of Damocles hanging over your head will change that.
Pandemonium is not anarchism.
" I should be able to rape, torture and steal to my own satisfaction. Atheists would be the first to agree. Right?"
Wrong. All those things cause demonstrable harm to a society, and a case can be made against them without ever pointing to any holy book.
Morals existed long, long, long before your ridiculous religion. In fact, your "holy" book demands slavery, murder, torture, rape and the smashing of babies heads against rocks. It is the laws of secular society that stops such immoral behaviour and keeps believers in check.
I wouldn't presume to tell a geologist how to go about their work because I've never studied geology. Similarly, religious imbeciles are only ever going to be displaying their stupidity when they arrogantly presume to lecture atheists about atheism.
Oh, and amongst rational people, discussing torture and rape fantasies is considered very odd.
Atheists would be the first to agree. Right?
Besides, the christian god can't follow the "Thou shall not kill" commandment. So much for morals.
Enciting murder of women and children , expect a visit from the FBI, oh and the ASPCA bwahahahah
Mirality is a social construct, not religeous.
wrong, atheists respect the laws under which they live, they are a very small percentage of the prison population.
total FAIL
If fear of a vengeful god is the only thing that keeps you from killing, raping or torturing anyone you don't like, then you are a horrible person who's hell-bound anyway.
After all, your ilk are the ones who claim that your supreme deity persecutes thought-crimes.
"I should be able to rape, torture and steal to my own satisfaction."
Aren't those acts suppoted in the bible and don't most republicans support torture already?
Hey how about this for a simple atheist morality?
Do I like pain? No. Do others like pain? Probably not. Will others induce pain on me? Maybe. Will I induce pain on others? Maybe if I don't, they won't do it to me either?
Look, all of the use with only a minor part of the stupid!
There's the problem. Certain people of a certain mindset think they need Religion or religious figures to define Morality for them. Whereas Atheists do not need religious figures to define Morality.
Marx, for all his beliefs, was at least spot on about religion being the opiate of the asses.
A year-old Fark topic? ^^; Fark.com is like 99% trolls-for-funsies, it's chock-full of liberals and atheists, I'd take everything from there with a grain of salt. I've blocked members there for hateful comments, only to find out much later that they're decent people who were just trollin'. lol This is way too poe-like, I don't think it's real.
In other posts, Daxxenos has gushed over Neonazis and gleefully warned liberal posters how the soldiers returning from the Middle East were returning as trained, hardened killers who were only barely restraining themselves from completely wiping out the liberal traitors in their midst. He's also hinted at some degree of approval for the efficiency of the genocide machine of Nazi Germany during WW2.
Assuming he's not trolling recreationally, he's a walking trifecta. Not everyone on Fark is trolling for funsies.
""Thou shalt not kill?" That's the first one I'd get rid of..."
How very biblical of you. The God of the Old Testament was quite a killer. Remember those Amalakites? He commeanded that even the children and the animals should be killed. He allowed virgins, however, to be spared for use as sex slaves by the Iraelites.
I don't think you would find very many atheuists that would want to join you on your spree. Having worked their way to their position on gods and religions, it would be most unlikely.
If this is not sarcasm at work here, I hope the law enforcement authorities are keeping an eye on you.
Umm, no. The afterlife is a phony religious construct. Heteronormativity, gender normativity, marital patriarchy and sanctity, and the demand of monogamy are phony religious constructs. God, tithing, prayer and miracles are phony religious constructs.
Prohibition of murder is the basis of nearly every society ever, and is hardwired into the human mind anyway. You're only capable of that kind of thought because you're a sociopath.
@Swede : Hey, with all the anarchists running around Sweden* I thought you'd know that that is anarchy about as much as Pinochet's Chile was a democracy. Anarchists usually call what you are referring to "anomie", and view it as undesirable. Anarchy is a state of no rulership, which by definition precludes "might makes right" rulership of the unrestrained social Darwinist variety, patriarchy, roving warlords etc. A society with coercion or any other form of rulership (i.e. anything but complete equality and liberty) is not anarchy.
*Umea hardcore, anyone? Refused?
Fail, but thanks for playing! What do you say, Strawman?
"The square of the length of the hypotenuse of an isosceles triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the remaining two sides. Sorry I got it wrong in the movie."
And you, Wizard?
"Living by an external framework of morality out of fear of the consequences is not equal to moral fiber or internal ethos. In other words, what you need is a brain!"
Our next contestant unblocks chi with a Bernz-O-Matic. Please welcome Otto Knobedder!
Not arbitrarily killing others has been a law and an ethical provision since the beginning of human history, before the Ten Commandments. It has nothing to do with religion, but the function of civil society.
Killing Democrats? Seems you're the psychotic sociopath here, and you claim you know squat about morality. You're a walking joke that's long past funny. Begone...
Fine, get rid of the religious laws that prevent you from acting like a monster. You will still come up hard against the secular laws that prevent you from acting like a monster, and you get Sundays off.
No, because the commandment against murder happens to coincide with a law against murder. It's part of the civil, secular code of all societies in the Western world.
If you commit murder and rape etc, then you'll be apprehended by secular police and put in a prison by a judge and jury enacting secular law.
We can say that certain things are wrong, and still be atheists. You can say that killing people is wrong, and that genuinely wanting to kill people is unhealthy.
What do we base that on? Empathy. A recognition that other people are like us. The Golden Rule. No God or religion required.
If you can ground morality on rational principles, (and you can), then they will be more stable, not less stable.
@Swede : Not anarchism, anarchy.
Whenever someone makes the claim that people would rape and murder and steal without belief in god, what they're really saying is that they think THEY would rape and murder and steal if THEY didn't believe in God, and they incorrectly think this mindset is universal among humans.
It's a lot like when people claim being gay is a choice. They're saying it because they themselves feel homosexual urges and are choosing to fight them, and they assume incorrectly that every straight person they see is experiencing the same thing they are.
Agreed. Abhorrent though the Bible is, it is nowhere near the vile degree of Hill Billy degeneracy that modern life and a changed culture requires.
Also, internet warriors should have a right to bluster quite rabidly and preposterously with out the slightest chance of being seen as the cry babies that they actually are. O wait ...
I personally feel we should get rid of all these religious laws that slop over from this whole God thing.
Since when did "thou shalt not kill" come from God? Every culture in the world has had laws against killing, stealing and rape. The Neanderthals probably had laws against it. It was around long before the Bible.
that would be EXTREME libertarianism, verging on anarchy. i dont think any self respecting secularist would ever be in favor of anarchy. i know i certainly wouldnt. organization is what has made the human race strong, first through religion, then through government.
government is simply way better at governing than religious bodies. thats why we think religious bodies should keep their dirty (and largely bloodstained) hands out of government.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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