Rebbetzen Shaindel Moscowitz #fundie

A queen must submit herself to the king's authority and treat him with respect. In order for there to be peace and harmony in the home the wife must accept this fact and abide by it. In reality this was always the case in times gone by; it's only a lack of understanding of the crucial importance of the woman's role together with the modern "illness" of women's liberation which has caused the scales to be weighted differently.

[W]hen all's said and done we still come up against the unalterable fact that in a true Jewish home the husband is the authority and his wife must accept this.

And there is a very valid reason for this hierarchy. A man is by nature far more logical and rational than emotional and is thus far better suited to assess situations and lead his family with cool-headed logic; men are not usually swayed by the emotions of the moment.

A woman on the other hand, has been created precisely with the opposite ratio of logic and emotionalism because this is specifically what she needs in order to be able to raise her family and care for her husband with warmth, emotion and caring.

[T]he Torah states that there cannot be peace and harmony in the home where there are two equal leaders; it's not the woman's position to "wear the trousers" or be the equal of her husband in leading the family, but




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