Bro. Randy #fundie

While I am not a medical doctor or psychologist, I know that the weight of sin which has not been confessed and dealt with in someone's life can also cause depression. I also know that being without the Lord in your life will cause depression. In fact, one of the jobs of the Holy Spirit is to be an encourager. While a Christian can be discouraged and depressed, it is far more likely to see depression in the unsaved.

So, what is your walk with the Lord like? Specifically, are you saved? Was there a time in your life when you realized that you needed the Lord in your life, when you realized that without the Lord, you would go to hell? Was there a time when you gave your life completely over to the Lord and surrendered to Him and His will? I am not asking if you have been baptized or if you do good things, I am asking if you have given your life to the Lord and asked Him to save you.

If you are saved, what is your walk with the Lord like? How much time do you spend reading the Bible and praying?



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