While I am not a medical doctor or psychologist, I know that the weight of sin which has not been confessed and dealt with in someone's life can also cause depression. I also know that being without the Lord in your life will cause depression. In fact, one of the jobs of the Holy Spirit is to be an encourager. While a Christian can be discouraged and depressed, it is far more likely to see depression in the unsaved.
So, what is your walk with the Lord like? Specifically, are you saved? Was there a time in your life when you realized that you needed the Lord in your life, when you realized that without the Lord, you would go to hell? Was there a time when you gave your life completely over to the Lord and surrendered to Him and His will? I am not asking if you have been baptized or if you do good things, I am asking if you have given your life to the Lord and asked Him to save you.
If you are saved, what is your walk with the Lord like? How much time do you spend reading the Bible and praying?
While a Christian can be discouraged and depressed, it is far more likely to see depression in the unsaved. As far as I know, it's rather the other way around. As it is with divorce rates and crime rates.
Was there a time in your life when you realized that you needed the Lord in your life, when you realized that without the Lord, you would go to hell?
Hehehehehe. Of course not, you tool. I leave rubbish like that to gullible idiots like yourself. If only you knew something about depression and what causes it... if only you knew anything, anything at all.
The most beautiful, happiest person I know is a devout atheist. I'd liek you to take one look at her and call her "depressed," "heartless," a "baby-killer," any of those things you so like to insinuate.
You are, however, in need of a medical doctor or psychologist, I think.
Moving on, somehow, I get the impression that constantly telling yourself (or being told) that the smallest wrong step will damn you or displease Gob is a far more likely cause of depression than simply not believing. But what do I know?
I know that the weight of sin which has not been confessed and dealt with in someone's life can also cause depression.
The only people who are concerned with sin, and whether or not it has been dealt with, are people who belive that sin exists. That would be the religious folks.
I also know that being without the Lord in your life will cause depression.
Right, because we're the ones who belive that humanity is basically sinful and evil, and that just breathing pisses Skydaddy off to no end.
Wow, I never realized it before, but I must be depressed because of my Godless life! I mean, I never even knew I was depressed until now!
How much time do you spend reading the Bible and praying?
I spent hours doing those things, but they only made my depression and psychosis worse. I was on the point of suicide. Fortunately, I decided to get medcal help instead and my life is getting back on track.
I rarely say this about anyone online with an opinion this obviously brainwashed since it's not their fault but. . .
Just STFU, dude. You obviously have no idea what you are talking about. I'm worried that people who take your "advice" will become worse off, not better.
At least you admit that you are not a doctor or psychologist. Hopefully, that will tip at least some people off into not listening to you.
When I was growing up, I exhibited various signs of depression, but my mother and step-father never took me to a psychologist or psychiatrist. They prayed about it and thought it was just normal teenage angst.
It wasn't.
A while after I moved out, I went to a proper therapist who sent me to a psychiatrist for deeper clinical diagnosis. Said psychiatrist has since determined that I have hypomanic bipolar disorder. This basically means that I've got all the mood swings, but my "manic" state is what most people call "normal". Most antidepressants seem to make things worse because this disorder is frequently diagnosed as simple depression. I am currently on a cocktail of drugs. One to elevate my mood, a second to stabilize it, and a third to counteract the more dangerous side-effects of the first two.
What prompted me to finally go to the therapist then the psychiatrist is that my moods were getting progressively worse. If I had not taken the medical route, I probably would have killed myself.
How much time do you spend reading the Bible and praying?
Enough to repel me from it's core message of worthlessness.
Echoing others here, I was severely depressed and even, many years ago, exhibiting suicidal tendencies.
Although my life isn't perfect, it's a helluva lot better then the chaos in my brain from trying to reconcile the blatant hatred and contridictions of the bible. X-tianity created a war inside me head where nobody was winning.
I see life through a brand-new pair of sunglasses, instead of the Crisco smeared lenses of religion.
I think it's far more likely that the unsaved will admit they have a problem and seek appropriate treatments than that the "saved" will do so. My "saved" sister treats her depression with Jesus... and then medications as Jesus didn't seem to be enough.
Bro. Randy, as you are not a medical doctor, psychologist or seemingly have any real knowledge about depression, STFU! The last thing us depression sufferers need is more advice from ignorant shitwads.
Don´t say that you´re not an expert, it sticks out a mile. And ask any real professional and they will tell you what commons sense says, that nobody can be depressed for not matching the expectation of a being they don´t believe in.
This is why I'm a bit reluctant to tell my mother I'm an atheist. I'm on antidepressants and she knows my depression is legitimate, but I'm afraid she'll start insisting I go to church with her.
As for Randypants, fuck 'im. He can get arteriosclerosis and die.
Don't atheists, in general, have fewer instances of depression than Christians?
Same for Buddhists, Wiccans, nature-worshipping types, and worshippers of the Goddess of Sex & Chocolate?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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