Robert Spencer #fundie
The Reuters headline was "Obama wants U.S. to prepare for 10,000 Syrian refugees next year: White House."
Prepare? How can we prepare? Bomb shelters? Underground bunkers? Metal detectors at shopping malls? Funeral arrangements? Exactly what preparations does the President expect us to make?
Such talk is, of course, "hateful" and "Islamophobic," besides the evergreen "racist." Now we see the cost of this manipulative sloganeering: an untold number of Americans is virtually certain to die at the hands of jihadis hidden among these refugees, and the public square is so corrupt and compromised that it isn't even possible to have a mature and thoughtful public debate about the Islamic concept of emigration and the role it may be playing in this refugee crisis.
So here is one way that lovers of freedom can prepare, as Obama wants us to, for this "refugee" influx: call upon your elected officials to oppose this, and endeavor in every possible way to inform them about the Islamic State's statements and the facts that the overwhelming majority of these refugees are male, Muslims, and able-bodied. Where are the women who have been displaced? Where are the elderly or chronically ill people? Where are the non-Muslims, even as tens of thousands of Christians have been driven out of their ancestral homelands?
If, in a few years, the Statue of Liberty is a smoking ruin and Obama's successor is living in hiding while the White House is repaired from a jihad terror attack, courtesy some of these "refugees," American policymakers may wish they had worked more forcefully to make sure that the U.S. followed the example of those Muslim countries. But at the moment, the political cost is just too high for anyone who opposes this refugee influx - even though the societal cost of ignoring the threat is likely to be astronomical.