GentleChristianMommy #fundie

Atheistic Geology

Unbelievers (secularists, humanists and muslims) have long been attempting to throw the world into chaos by overturning the biblical order set by Christ 2007 years ago. And if youwant to poison a tree, what better to do to poison its roots? As such, Biblical nay-sayers have been attempting to kill the tree of Christianity and send everyone to HELL by attacking the Bible's foundation, the book of Genesis. Their favourite tool is not evolution, which even they realize is a shoddy theory, but geology, a full field of study.

In order to contort geology to conform to their twisted ideology, deists, secularists and muslims invented uniformitarianism, the idea that small, gradual geological processes. One of the fathers of uniformitarianism aditted he was trying to overthrow "Mosaic Geology" (that is, geology from Moses, who wrote Genesis) Uniformitarianism is BUNK. No-one has seen a river forming or a mountain being made- it is somptuous inference.

Radiometric dating is based upon uniformitarianism. No-one can prove that the decay rates are constant. However, some have proven they have changed in the past. The RATE group, Ph.D. scientists, have figured out that the helium content in some rocks, that are supposedly millions of years old, is so large that they must be 6000 to 10000 years old. Yet radioactive dating is still used to prove antichristian philosophy.

Similarly stupid are the assumptions of plate tectonics. I don't deny they happened. But a global flood could easilybreak plates apart and smash them together, creating mountains and deep ocen trenches. (In fact, marine limestone is on top of mount everest.) Rock could also form then, where the heat and pressure required would be present, burying unsuspecting dinosaurs.

In fact, to make rock, you don't need much of this. All you need is a kettle, although you probably won't get enough to bury dinosaurs!

God bless!



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