['I am not in favour of burning books, irrespective of their content and in this I hold the view expressed by Heinrich Heine in the early 1800s.
"Wherever they burn books they will also, in the end, burn human beings".']
We don't have to burn the books or the people who mock, hate and deny Christ with their philosophical rhetoric. God will in due time. And we will praise Him for it on the Day He wipes the tears from our eyes..
I cant imagine anyone would spend hours out of their day trying to vandalize this site
We don't have any wacky Scientology quotes up yet, do we? If we did, that would explain it.
Then again, Scientologists aren't the only ones who believe their views should be unscrutinized.
#709 Yeah! Why haven't I seen any Scientology stuff on here? Tom Cruise ought to be able to give you lots and lots of fun. Especially after his feud with Brook Shields about post-partum depression and Tom's appearence with Matt Lauer, Look you don't know the history of psychiatry. I do. I would've popped back by saying, "Well Tom what university did you get your degree in psychiatry from?" Lots of good stuff out there to maybe give us doofus Christians some breaks? :-)
#701, I confess I hit report once. I was trying to figure out how you guys do the rating of the posts...1-5. Then I found out it's on the first page where you read the post and not in the submit comment section. For that one "report" I apologize.
Does RR have a registration only section of the forum? I know my hubby is not registered and he reads all my posts from his pc at work and he's not registered at all.
I hope no one on RR would be mean enough to come on to your board and do juvenile things like this...just as I hope you guys wouldn't do that to us.
Rodney King: Can't we all just get along? LOL
Seriously, agree to disagree. Debate our sides but be nice in the debates. I guess I'm on here posting because I like to debate with people. I was on the debate team in HS and will often take a viewpoint opposing my own beliefs just to have a debate with some of my friends. Good debate, dicussion and conversation is fun and healthy.
God Bless.
P.S. In the thread on RR about your board I specifically mentioned about someone presumably from our group who got on this board and tried to cause trouble. I said it wasn't the right thing to do. I mean we guys don't like what you guys are saying then we DON'T have to pull up your website...sort of like if we don't want to watch a trashy show on HBO, we can choose to change the channels and watch something else. If you don't like something like this or disagree then simply don't look at it and/or participate in it. If you don't like Harry Potter then don't buy the books...no need to burn them or go off the deep end about it. I'm quoting Nancy Reagan now, "Just say no." :-)
End of discussion.
God Bless
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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