Alex Jones #conspiracy

I don’t care if the media makes fun of me, I don’t care what they say, whatever. I’m telling you folks, I look out at the crowds I see the people they are possessed by something. I don’t know what it is -- most of the planet believes in demons and possession for a reason, in fact every culture does. Because it’s not them. Something’s coming in. Something’s been overlaid, and it’s a sickness and it’s spreading and the television is the vector. It’s how they’re getting through at people. It’s a mind trick. They put them into a subconscious hypnosis; they admit that’s what the television flicker rate, through the lights, all of it. And then they superimpose something until they get your free will through incrementalism to turn yourself over to it. And then it’s like an intergalactic virus that then causes the individual to shut down, become a poisonous creature, who begins attacking everything around them. It’s a wavelength.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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