Robynn #fundie

What you are denying 'Ware no kuni' is the existence of the spirit realm. I am Christian, I know first hand that it is real. Both Good and Evil. I have seen evil spirits. I have cast a ghost out of a home, and I have seen healing miracles, I have also received healing miracles. I even watched a short man grow 5-6 inches before my eyes. He didn't move a muscle to straighten himself out or to stand taller. It certainly was not in hismindset that it was possible that he would be able to grow taller. If you speak to a practicing witch they will tell you first hand that the spiritual realm is real and that they manipulate it all the time. This Ideomotor theory was popular when I was a little girl. My father at first allowed this game in our house because he had been told that was all it was too. And for us younger kids that is all that it was. We pushed the pointer around to the yes and no portion we didn't know how to spell. But my older sister, who may have been 12-13 at the time, the pointer moved as she moved her fingers OFF the pointer. And to this day 50 years later she still talks about it. It creeped her and her girlfriend out and that experience is probably why my father removed that game from our house and forbid us to ever play it again at anyone's house.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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