saved4ever #fundie

Why are you so worried about you or your children having a social life outside of church? Ultimately all they need is one friend, and that is the Lord Jesus Christ. However, they can usually find a good friend or two at church. Why does a person have to have a ton of "friends" at school who most likely will not encourage him in the Lord or help him spiritually? I don't think we need to worry about socialization. When I was 5 and my parents began to homeschool me, my grandparents (who are unsaved) were so worried about it. Namely because I would not get the social experience that I "needed." I seem to be doing fine having never been to school, and I thank my parents so much for teaching me at home where the Bible was our main textbook. You don't get that at a public school and rarely at a Christian school.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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