Ivor #racist davidduke.com
Here at home in Canada, racially motivated crime is obviously on the same upswing, even though our media would dare not say as much. On top of the horrific year Toronto has had with daily gun crimes and murders perpetuated by black gangs, now comes the truly terrifying tale that has gripped the city over the last few days of a 16 year old white girl, who has been bullied and sexually assaulted for over a year by a gang of at least 16 black youths, including two females at her school.
In the first few days that the public were made aware of this issue, there was no talk of the racial aspect of these alleged crimes. As per this most recent article, now it has come out, but not as what you would expect. As you can see by this article, there is hardly any mention of the victim, and most of the article is centered around the black youths who have been charged, removed from school, and put under house arrest. Their parents and friends are aghast at their treatment, and the article is centered around the fact that these youths are being persecuted because they are black.
It is truly horrible and sickening, and has kept me awake up all night thinking what daughters of mine in the future would face such barbarism.