[Source NSFW]
pre-feminism: women exist to serve men
feminism: women are free to do what they want
now: women slowly realize they’re anxious and weak without existing to serve men, and all they really want is to be back under daddy’s control
post-feminism: the natural order is restored
Oh yeah, that's totally why the most aggressive fuck-you-I'm-in-charge-quit-your-bitching-I-do-what-I-want sort of men are "under attack" by the "feminist hordes" while you make constant excuses for them today. Because women are actually totally wet for them. That's why they're trying to get them tossed out on their ears.
Funny how the "natural order" never seems to be a natural development.
Right, right, whatever helps you sleep at night. LOL, I'd be taking this philosophical musing much more seriously if it wasn't coming from one of the most sexually confused weirdos on the "other side" of Tumblr.
Hmmm. I've been a feminist for sixty years, and have never been through any of those other stages. I'm not going back, nor is any other woman I know. Don't hold your breath waiting for the pendulum to swing back your way.
Actually, I rather like the bit where I don't exist to serve men. You seem to be implying that it's too stressful for us; I relish the stress - it's stimulating, rewarding and I wouldn't give it up for the world.
A couple of years ago I found myself working for a family of diehard Christians, of a particular denomination that keeps the women busy with housework and childreading, and makes a point of setting them up to fail in positions of leadership (by 'granting them positions of leadership' after years of undermining their self-confidence and giving them no support. Indeed, I saw two women being deliberately undermined during their leadership efforts - and that's to say nothing of the bullshit they tried on with me. They were not content; one was away with the fairies as a way of coping with her situation, and the other was deeply, furiously unhappy.
So no thanks to your concept of post-feminism. I'll keep the feminism, thanks, and so will the men I know who are worth my friendship (of which there are many, I am proud to say).
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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