A young Christian man had been having a problem with speeding and with minor traffic violations. For example, he would periodically make a wrong turn because he did not notice a traffic sign. He had been cited for some of these violations. We broke curses over him in these areas and cast out spirits of speeding, careless driver and traffic violations.
Additional spirits that are active in this category of daily living are: blocked concentration (of driver), roving mind, heavy foot, fear of making mistakes in driving, fear of getting caught by police, and others.
The next time I have to take a Driver Safety course, I'll just tell the instructor to find a True Christian® minister and have that minister cast the traffic demon out of me.
Maybe while the True Christian® minister is at it, he can also cast out Teh Ghey in me!
(I have noticed that fundies HATE being called True Christians® just thought I'd pass that along to everyone... image )
Now I'm guessing these demonbusters are Pentecostals -- they're the ones most inclined to rant and rave like this, at least in my limited knowledge. Now as I understand it, a good number of Pentecostals are small-u unitarians. I wonder if these demon-haunted folk would appreciate knowing that their world view is essentially grossly polytheistic-tending-towards-pantheist. (Not to mention how most fundies of any stripe will swear up and down that dualism is a heresy and then turn right around and say something that would seem to imply that God's victory over Satan is not a foregone conclusion. Oh ye of little faith...)
I'm often plagued by demons of jay walking. I tend to cross a certain street every day so I know the order in which the traffic lights operate, which allows me to cross when my light is still red but traffic won't bother me or just seconds before the light turns green and all other traffic is already standing still. Could I please have this demon rewarded with some gift voucher? (S)He often helped me get to my train in time.
Welcome to the 21st century, where people think demons make them bad drivers!
Seriously, did anyone else when younger envision a slightly... oh what's the word... a slightly less fucking stupid and moronic future?
Oh man, we should make up a whole bunch of demons. Like:
They make your video games freeze up after you haven't saved for two hours, and keep monsters from dropping rare items. They also make suggestions to people gift-shopping for you, like "Hey I bet your grandson would love that game about Ed Edd 'n Eddy" or "Go ahead and get him the $5 game in the bargain bin with the hobo made out of triangles on the cover, these games are all the same anyway". Can be exorcised by making a cross out of memory cards and humming the Super Mario Bros. level music.
<< Welcome to the 21st century, where people think demons make them bad drivers!
Seriously, did anyone else when younger envision a slightly... oh what's the word... a slightly less fucking stupid and moronic future? >>
Jonathan: Yes, I did, and to say that the one we've got is a disappointment would be the granddaddy of all understatements.
~David D.G.
Suddenly my life makes sense! I'm plagued by triple-fat-cheese-eating demons, coffee-ice-cream demons, and -- yes -- there's an FSTDT demon that makes me read this instead of working. I feel so much better now!
I can see it now:
Satan: Alice, can you send Bob in here?
Bob the demon arrives.
Bob: You wanted to see me sir?
Satan: I've been reviewing your work performance here in the Ninth Circle, Bob, and I think it's time to move you up in the company.
Bob: Wow, thanks, sir.
Satan. I'm promoting you to Demon of Fear of Making Mistakes in Driving.
Bob: Sir?
Satan: Demon of Fear of Making Mistakes in Driving.
Bob [chuckling]: That's a good one, sir. Had me going there for a second.
Satan: I'm not kidding here,Bob. Do I look like someone who kids around about shit like this? Do I? Now get your ass up there and and start making people fear making mistakes in driving, or maybe you would prefer to take over Lou's Stopping Kids From Potty Training duties? Are we clear?
So...at long last...the true meaning of "Speed Demon".
@ Old Viking
I drive in senior citizen country (I'm one myself), where the Demon of Catatonic States in the Fast Lane reigns supreme.
Haha, yeah, I'm pretty sure he rides shotgun with
the Left Blinker Imp
> Additional spirits that are active in this category of daily living are...fear of getting caught by police
I would suggest that bad drivers aren't being visited by enough of these particular demons.
On a personal note, I particularly dislike the demons which make drivers think they should drive with their headlights on full beam all the time. Out, out!
When you are engrossed in sin, just blame it on the demons. That way, you look good to god. You look like an idiot to everyone else, of course. But since when do fundies care about anyone other than themselves?
Ok, I'm curious and have to ask; if I take a dump and miss the toilet and instead get it on the floor, is that caused by a demon? Or if I take a piss, and get it all over the seat, is my wife justified in damning me to hell?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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