The Constitutionally defined separation of Church and State is tantamount here. Many believe it lay only with "a church" trying to weed its ways into education with such things as Creationism, Catastrophism and many others.
These things extend far beyond these meandering futilities, finding great placement in external institutions. These institutions are all things federal and state, all things personal property, and all things possessive of character projection. Those that have been liberated from faith are saved from this cruel torture. Those that have done so not, either through blind devotion or blissful ignorance, are the institutionally derived byproducts of systematic indoctrination, mental and physical conditioning and psychological torture and cult exposure for their broad social network connections-and the collectives coffers.
It began, historically, at a church. In the ultimate place of this case it's a home, (any ideology dominated home) where it extends to a church and then into the groups composed of those that had gone to said church, and from them, onward back to the originator, or puppeteer (or the primary benefactors) so pick any church/ideology/etc. Regardless, all will have gained significant returns on long-term advertising and, after having categorized them appropriately, recruited them as potentially usable clients, to add to the "flock" or whatever. Abusing the intent of bible study and declaring a home a church is an unfortunate loophole, as it allows for grossly misinterpreted interpretations by megalomaniacs to seduce and recruit into their flock, devoted followers. It's a god complex. Ignorance does not beget itself, sadly. It compounds it.
With lesser educated individuals comes their inevitable amassing together. All to have more money to buy smarter, and special-interest owned government employees lobbying on their behalf; in order to serve the greater goal of forcing the unshakeable foundation of the Separation of Church and State to crumble.
Hypocrites are rampant. These blissfully ignorant drones, these flocks, know in their hearts that they are wrong. They simply do not care. Their conditioning has tempered their constitutions strong, so their actions become progressive, aggressive, criminal and legal (a political tactic is to muck up a suit in courts for months or years, or till one party runs out of money and can no longer keep up), etc.)
Suffice to say, the article author is entrenched fully in his/her holy war. Society sees through social media the periodic flare ups of frustration as the bountiful flocks of the deluded combat against the government-led strongly by their hunger and thirst for religious freedom that they say is infringed upon-which they all have, unmolested, regardless.
These flocks seek to topple the government, as it is now, which is obviously end-of-days bad, based off of what they spout out. They just want god to be in everything. Irony is quite palpable here. Especially if you could imagine the very likely consequences.
I'm bored with this. No one will read this. Still, I write. Not because I am bored, although I am, but because of the rambling idiots that I can find and obliterate here. So, read this last bit, too, but know this, your boredom brought you here, and this is the same conclusion, so take one last deep breath, hold it and count to four, starting now. 1..2..3..4. Now exhale. Feel better? Good, I'm glad. Now you're ready to continue ever onward, making periodic posts such as this. Godspeed.