If "therapists" want to start being taken seriously by incels...
Release a public statement admitting the link between physical ugliness and social rejection, particularly romantic rejection, and low self-esteem.
Stop trying to convince your ugly patients not to seek plastic surgery, but instead support them towards this goal.
Stop denying evolutionary psychology and evolutionary biology.
Stop gaslighting your patients. For instance, don't tell them that the reason they were continously rejected and humiliated in middle school was due to something other than their looks.
Otherwise, the incel community will continue to avoid "the rapists" like plague. In my experience, only 1 out of 5 therapists is worth anything.
Fontaine: "If "therapists" want to start being taken seriously by incels, release a public statement admitting that us incels are the victims of circumstances beyond our control, things we can't help. Start telling the hot chicks they have no right to reject ugly guys and thereby inflict low self-esteem upon them! Otherwise, the incel community will continue to avoid "the rapists" like plague. In my experience, only 1 out of 5 therapists is worth anything."
Stop gaslighting patients?
So, what you're saying us that trained orofessionals tell you stuff you don't like, such as, it's not all about your looks, there are things you should chahge, and your self-absorbed internet friends reinforce your idea that it's everyone's fault EXCEPT yours.
Yeah, take those other incels more seriously than someone getting paid to help you.
Aaand even if they did, then what?
It still won't make hot girls or the girls you want date you, and it definitely won't justify your horrific beliefs about women.
Seriously, it won't.
EDIT: @Anon-e-moose : You make a great point, but knowing the thinking process of these incel idiots, their argument will be that because he didn't marry a runway/lingerie model, it doesn't matter.
I'm sure they're a lovely couple, though.
Release a public statement admitting the link between physical ugliness and social rejection, particularly romantic rejection, and low self-esteem
On the behalf of all therapists, I shall release these two photos of a man who, prior to he being burned by an anti-ship missile attack in the Falklands War, was single
When Simon Weston - after 70 operations on his face - wasn't rejected despite he being a '0/10': and prior to those operations due to that Exocet missile, he was normal , why should anyone take the 'arguments' of manbabies seriously?!
"Stop denying evolutionary psychology and evolutionary biology."
- Not the same thing pal. Also maybe once pop evo psych becomes a rigorous research topic, doesn't rely on ad-hoc explanations and isn't so ubiquitously used to legitimize racism and sexism anymore.
Everything else:
"But I want someone to acknowledge that it isn't my horrible personality, my hypocritical expectations of my potential sex partners, my disgusting view of women or my obvious homosexual feelings for Chad which make it impossible for me to find someone to have sex with, but only my (actually mostly average) horrendous looks! Otherwise I would actually have to work on myself and we can't have that!" - Every incel ever.
If educated doctors want to be taken seriously by a tiny group of whiny, entitled man-boys? Why would they even want that?
Show these idiots all the "ugly" people leading normal happy lives because of pleasant, easygoing personalities.
YOU complain about therapists being like rapists? People in your gang want to ACTUALLY rape (and kill) women because they don't find whiny man-boys like you interesting.
So in other words, you won't take therapists seriously until they ignore their training and tell you what you want to hear.
EDIT: so much for Fontaine being the only reasonable "incel"
Release a public statement admitting the link between physical ugliness and social rejection, particularly romantic rejection, and low self-esteem.
Why? Everybody knows that ugly people with low self-esteem tend to not be social butterflies. The thing a therapist needs to do is help someone overcome their low self-esteem, for instance, all incels.
Stop trying to convince your ugly patients not to seek plastic surgery, but instead support them towards this goal.
The therapists know that no amount of plastic surgery is going to change your shitty attitudes toward women. Even the most handsome creeper is still going to be a creeper.
Stop gaslighting your patients. For instance, don't tell them that the reason they were continously rejected and humiliated in middle school was due to something other than their looks.
They'd then be lying to their patients. It's only the incels who are convinced the only reason people don't like them is because they don't look like they'd belong on the cover of GQ. And FFS, middle school? Everyone in middle school are still kids. Grow the F up.
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