DWB #fundie raptureforums.com
In my neck of the woods a high school trans female wrestler won "her" weight class against a real female. It was excited to win the championship while the real female (seemed to be a gracious young lady) wept. If the trans kid and his parents want to continue the charade, more power to them. But their charade created an unfair competitive advantage that I can't believe the high school athletics board would allow. Maybe it's little feeling would get hurt??
I am in no way condoning bullying, but if a kid or adult is making the wrong choices, their peers will most definitely let them know what they think. IMO this is not bullying, but it has got to the point where no one can criticize anyone about anything without being accused of being some sort of bully, phobic, hater, ect.. When I was growing up in the 60's and 70's everyone was bullied/teased, no one was exempt. You quickly learned to act correctly, wear acceptable clothing, bathe regularly, and so on or the teasing would continue. We have what we have today because of this PC culture. It's very wrong, and these kids are going to be in trouble when they get into the real world w/o their safe spaces.