Back on the horse #announcement blog
Quite a bit cooler these days, getting back on the code horse.
Beating around the code I had sitting about showed me something pretty interesting. I have a choice right now between 5 specialized procedures for different filter selections, or one generalized one that has cut outs for any filters that aren't defined. This is what I was bitching about last time, well, turns out that 3 of the specialized procedures are considerably faster than the general one, but the other two are absolute pigs despite generating the exact same results as the general procedure. The biggest of the pigs being the procedure that would be used when the main page is just opened and given no tags. So, yay tight and shiny code, boo five versions of the same damn thing.
What that means is I have the backest of ends together in formalized procedures, now I need to start working on taking what I've generated at the database and actually working with the objects/pages that will make use of this data. Which comes at a good time, I have a significant project at work which may be better served working off a more modern architecture and I think I have the kinks out of making FSTDT MVC. So I'm going to use what I'm working on now as a test project and I have heavy incentive to get serious work done on it in the next few weeks before work's project proposal makes it's way out of management limbo.
While I'm poking at all of this I want to go back and review exactly what the site is going to be doing different in a more organized manner, so for some part of next week I'll be posting "View X" definitions, what they're supposed to do, what's different than right now and if anyone wants to toss in a request there's still time.
Though I may be reworking some things as the indexes on the comments table are more than twice as large as the table itself. Or I'll just go with the hosts that are generous with storage space.