Ginny Bain Allen #fundie
Check out Jill Stanek's page to learn the truth about abortion, in the windy city in particular, Obamao's hometown.
In essence what you are saying is that it's alright for unborn babies to die during abortions, but it's not okay for their mothers to die attempting to abort them. How is the life of a mother any more valuable than the life of her unborn child? The womb is created to be the safest, nurturing haven for the developing child. When pregnant mothers go against their innate nature to protect the life of their precious baby, and instead have them ripped from their safe nest, it is the most pitiful act of all.Hmmm, wonder why we have such a rape culture? Could it have anything at all to do with the sleazy billion dollar pornography industry, and how we have allowed our entire society to be all about sex, sex and more sex??? Free love abounds due to wise, caring progressives pushing, pushing, pushing for it. To progressives it's all about free love, and nothing about Jesus. That's why we're living in such rot!