crazy4starwars006 #fundie

why i believe the Bible is the truth:
1.) everything in the Bible has been proven 1 way or another up 2 "Revelations" (which is things 2 come). whether it b countless written documents or caligraphy on the occurences found in this book or simply just the excivational proof.
2.) if u go 2 the red sea and scubba 2 the bottom not only will u find the remains of the Egyptian army, but u will also detect large quantities of metal from their armor from when God parted the sea 4 the Isrealites 2 escape.
3.) Noah's ark was reported 2 have been discovered several years ago BY SCIENTISTS+, people all over the world (china, europe, ect.) have told tales of their ancestors surviving in a large boat 4 40 days and nites after a great WORLDWIDE flood.
4.) the remains of Jesus still have not been discovered, even after centuries of searching
5.) and lastly...take a look outside 4 a quick minute. how could all of that have been formed by a bang? it makes no sense whatsoever!! humans coming from rocks? that's rediculous!! there has 2 b another way, 1 that actually makes sense and that won't fall apert like evolution!!
now i'm not trying 2 tell u 2 change ur religion, but what i am telling u is that if u want 2 keep believing in evolution, then ur just fooling urself. u may have come from monkies...but i certainly did NOT!!



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