This tyranny of rights, this tyranny of the minority, and we’re not talking about racial minorities, neutral minorities, we’re talking about people who define their identity based upon sexually deviant behaviors and proclivities.
This is a tyranny of sexually deviant rights and it’s by design to replace the enumerated Constitutional rights given by our Creator based upon the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God, these so-called rights violate the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God, and yes violate the expressed guarantees that we have to religious liberty, freedom of speech, freedom of association granted to us by the United States Constitution.
The LGBT agenda and Constitutional rights cannot exist in harmony. At Liberty Counsel, we defend the Constitution.
Hey Matt-hole:
Please demonstrate how you leap from Biblical laws to our current Constitution. Show me where in the Constitution God talks about the first commandment?
Yeah, you're pulling shit out of your ass. If our laws came directly from your creator, it would indeed be a tyranny.
> violate the expressed guarantees that we have to religious liberty, freedom of speech, freedom of association
That's funny, I thought the Bible wasn't too big on guaranteeing any of those ideas.
> granted to us by the United States Constitution.
Yes, you have a nice country there. How do you propose you fix the rest of the world? Oh, wait, you have no idea how the folks outside of the USA are doing.
They still haven't explained why gay rights are bad. If this were truly a secular country like Canada or the Netherlands or someplace, this wouldn't even be an issue. It is only in theocracies like Iran, Uganda, and yes, the U.S., where this is considered a horrible outcome to be avoided at all costs. This country is hopeless.
The guarantees to religious liberty, freedom of speech and freedom of association have nothing to do with 'God's law'or the Bible.
Religious liberty? 'Thou shalt have no other Gods before me'
Freedom of speech? 'Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth'
Freedom of association? ''Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness''
too bad, but the Netherlands aren't secular. We have a state-religion (Dutch-Reformed) and insulting god is a felony.
However: even with being non-secular, we aren't a theocracy and the Netherlands do have a certain tolerance to people who don't think like 'the norm'. That norm being a minority, but with enough political power to not being able to topple aforementioned laws.
For what it's worth: The Netherlands have scrapped the legal notion of a marriage between one man and one woman in april 2001.. not that long ago..
How does it affect you that people are given the same rights and protections that you take for granted? Equal rights is all they ask for, why is that so hard for you people to accept?
YOU define their identity based on sexuality.
The similarities between heterosexuality and homosexuality are much greater than the differences, stupid.
The gender is not that big a deal, really. I love my brothers just as much as I love my sister. I love both my mother and my father.
You know what I define as sexually deviant?
A perverse and obsessive interest in the sexuality of others.
Defining sex out of wedlock as shameful, then using that definition as a cudgel to shame and dominate the normal humans that can't live up to that ridiculous "standard".
You sir, are the pervert, and your god is a dick. Furthermore, "Nature's God" is Gaia, and that makes you a heretic. "Nature's Laws" can be summed up as, "kill or be killed," or if you prefer, "root, hog, or die." Also, the US Constitution was written by intelligent men, not brought down the mountain by Moses, and all of that makes you an idiot.
Um... nowhere in the Constitution does it say that those rights are given to us by a creator, God, or nature.
And please tell me how the rights to religious freedom, speech, or association of yours are being violated? This should be good.
Where the fuck is gay marriage even hinted at in the Constitution? Citation seriously fucking needed because I keep hearing this bullshit about gay marriage being against the Constitution and have yet to hear anything that can even be misinterpreted as a dislike of gay marriage. As for God's laws and the supposed "Laws of Nature", those are not legally binding.
and yes violate the expressed guarantees that we have to religious liberty, freedom of speech, freedom of association granted to us by the United States Constitution
HOW? You can still believe what you want, churches don't have to marry gays, you can call gays names and tell them that they're going to hell, and you can feel free not to associate with any gays and only talk to other bigots. Hell, you can even join the KKK or a neo-Nazi group and that's all perfectly legal even though racial discrimination isn't.
"...these so-called rights violate the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God..."
Uh, Matt...
image image image
"I approve!"
"I'll raise a torch to that!"
No, tyranny would be if you were being forced to engage in a sexual relationship (homosexual or otherwise) which you didn't want. What you have here is equal rights.
Remember, your rights end when they trample anothers rights.
P.S. You have a right to your religious beliefs, but no right to make others live by your religious beliefs.
The mind boggles.
@ Freethinker:
Yet despite that, people in the Netherlands, like in all of Europe, are utterly appalled by the backwards actions and politics of Americans. Anything that a civilized society would do, whether in foreign or domestic policy, the United States does the opposite. Right now I think that only the Grandfather Clause (a figure of speech which itself is a reference to American barbarity) is the reason why the US is even considered a civilized country at all. I want to leave for someplace sane as soon as I am capable.
After all, there must be a reason why every single country in the West looks down on the United States. I wouldn't mind my country adopting the culture and laws of some other country completely verbatim; I am a culturist and I admit to it. The countries at the very top of the lists are simply better than all others. The US is nowhere near the top of the lists.
Obviously someone doesn't know their First Amendment very well.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or
prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or
of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition
the Government for a redress of grievances.
I do wish Americans of all political stripes would get the fuck over their Constitution, and stop treating it as holy writ. (Seemingly literally, in Barber's case). As Bush the younger said, it is just a piece of paper.
I do admit, that most people here in Europe (except the christian right wing we have here as well, though not even close to your 'left wing' Democrats) tend to look down to the shallowness of US culture at the moment.
You're most welcome here, as is just about anyone with the decency to study cultures a bit and trying to blend in.
Prove your god exists and that he wrote your holy book. Until you do you're just as full of shit as any other pontificating religious fundie and we can ignore you. The laws of this nation aren't based on any holy book, they're based on the Constitution which is a secular document.
As for the "Laws of Nature", it may have escaped your notice but there are literally hundreds of animal species that practice same-sex. So homosexuality is natural by definition.
Actually, they can. They really can. Rights aren't a limited resource, if we give gay people the right to marry gay people, straight people don't loose the right to marry straight people.
i banged my head so hard i need a new wall... why oh why do these guys keep on preaching hate?
@Freethinker and Rizzo: go easy on each other, let's remember that posts like these represent the american vocal minority... here in france, we think americans are just fat... and shallow, but the french are chauvinist like that.
This tyranny of rights, this tyranny of the minority
Hardcore fundamentalist Christians are a minority group.
Indeed, take away their rights. Force them to shut the fuck up. Lock up their churches. Forbid them to assemble. Burn their KJV Bibles. Block them off the internet. Send their kids to public schools.
Oh wait, that's not what you meant? You mean only the "other" minorities shouldn't have any rights?
Matt Barber is so bat-shit crazy that I have no idea what to write here. Absolutely nothing in this post is coherent or truthful. It's nothing but a long string of buzzwords and dog-whistles.
I almost feel sorry for people who's brains operate this way. It's like they haven't had a single original thought their entire lives.
By the time I read 'tyranny of rights', I started laughing. The rest of the post just built on that comedic foundation, culminating in rolling, roaring belly-laughs. I don't care whether or not this is a Poe, because that laugh-break was just what I needed. Thank you, Matt Barber, for that glorious ejaculation of absurdity- it honestly came off like a Monty Python political-rant sketch.
@Brendan Rizzo: We're not as secular here in Canada as we should be, but we're presently in the works of prying our current right-wing-nutjob PM out of office, so progress is being made. We still, as we always have, welcome any and all of our Southern neighbours who grow tired of their country's horseshit. (We merely ask that you be patient with ours.)
Freedom of association? I must have missed that one.
I'm still waiting for someone to explain to me how allowing gays rights interferes with freedom of religion or freedom of speech.
One could have made a similar argument about racial equality and, as a matter of fact, I seem to recall that some did.
I think the "argument" Matt Barber and his compatriots are trying to make is that gay rights is eventually going to make it illegal to say that being gay is wrong or that God hates it. Considering that it's still legal to belong to the freaking KKK, I somehow don't think he has anything to worry about.
Tyranny of the minority? Uh, no. You want tyranny of the majority. You know, what the Constitution prevents. Also, the Constitution says absolutely jack squat about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, etc. How do you claim to defend a document you haven't even read or either read a fundie forgery and claimed it was the real thing.
I think you're a little confused here Matt. You seem to believe this nation's principles of freedom of speech, press, etc. only apply to you and those who think like you, and that the 'god' mentioned in the Constitution is one that holds only all of your own prejudices and values. Even more delusional, you think gays fighting for respect and dignity conflict with Constitutional values when you clearly want a theocracy where gay rights are gradually limited and gays themselves treated more and more like second class citizens.
Um, yeah. Let's get back to that 'bully' thing you oh so eloquently mentioned...
Countries with national Christian churches don't buy this bullshit you're selling.
God did not write the Constitution of the United States of America.
You are only defending your ignorance and stupidity.
Equal rights apply to everybody, you plonker. The constitution of the USA has fuckall to do with your alleged creator and any "rights" you delusional morons think he granted.
It's only a matter of time before gay marriage becomes a fact so common it won't even be worth commenting upon. If you don't like it, move to Saudi Arabia and open a word salad bar.
@Leighton Buzzard
I do wish Americans of all political stripes would get the fuck over their Constitution, and stop treating it as holy writ. (Seemingly literally, in Barber's case). As Bush the younger said, it is just a piece of paper.
Actually, it turns out he might not have said that, after all.
As for why we treat our constitution as "Holy Writ," it sort of is. It's the standard by which all other laws in this country are supposed to be measured. If an existing law goes against something in the constitution (say, for instance, requiring presidential candidates to announce their Christianity-which violates the constitution), then the law needs to be repealed.
If it were just a "goddamn piece of paper," we, as citizens, would have no basis for opposing our government when they do things like curtailing the rights of minorities, or imposing poll taxes, or the like. What's wrong with the U.S. is not that we don't take the Constitution seriously, it's that we don't take it seriously enough
"At Liberty Counsel, we defend the Constitution."
This statement is akin to.....
"At The NAACP, we defend the right to lynch black people!"
"In the National Socialist Party, we support the Jewish People."
"We of The Cattlemen's Association fully support PETA!"
See how loony it is?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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