Jamie James #fundie amazon.com

Imagine a poultry farm owner replaces chicken with horses. Scientists excavating the site some time later find the chicken fossils older than horse fossils. Assuming that this is the only place where the fossils were found, the Evolutionists will conclude that horses evolved from chicken because that is the only possibility.

Let us look at a practical scenario: There isn't a convincing hypothesis, let alone evidence to support the claim that those primitive fishes, defied its animal instinct and left its safe home, water, and crawled into a hostile place, land. Evolutionists, ignoring the contradictions and lack of evidences, argue that animals evolved from fishes just because animal fossils appear later in time than fish fossils in the fossil record.

It is perplexing that some of the finest brains in human history spend their entire life trying to prove a theory which borders with non-sense. Isn't it makes more sense that there is a d(D)esign for every system?



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