Daniel Greenfield #fundie frontpagemag.com
Muslim frustration leads to aggression. When the poor dears get worked up enough, they get violent. The more their violent efforts are frustrated, the more violent they become. Before you know it, they're throwing a suicide bomber tantrum and diplomats rush off with a pile of candy and concessions to reduce their frustration levels to slightly less murderous norms.
Instead of giving them an immigration time-out or a shock-and-awe spanking, they hunt down whoever made poor Mohammed Jr. feel so frustrated that snookums is out on the streets stabbing people.
"What do you want from Mohammed? He's frustrated. He's a very sensitive boy. Why can't you be a little more understanding of his feelings and stop trying to fight back when he comes at you with a butcher knife?"
All this global Muslim frustration, though, seems to indicate that the problem might be Mohammed.
There's a place we send people who start killing when they get frustrated enough. It's called prison. We can't lock up the entire Muslim world, but we can lock ourselves away from it by ending migration and immigration to the civilized world from a Muslim world where frustration justifies violence.
And maybe, if Muslims get frustrated enough by this civilizational time-out, they'll choose civilization over barbarism.