Have you ever had a vagina? Have you ever been raped? Do you have empathy?
I guess the answer to all those questions are NO.
If you think an intercourse is like sitting on a piece of metal, you are doing it wrong.
Why were you not - crazy idea, I know - wearing your seatbelt?
It's the humiliation, the loss of control, the prospect of being subjected to sentiments like yours, that are the hardest things, I imagine. I have, thank the powers that be*, not been assaulted sexually, so I don't know what's it like. But, unlike you, I have empathy, and can imagine what it would feel like. I bet the reality is a hundred times worse.
Prosecuting the perpetrator is like reliving it all over again, but with the added "bonus" of having people questioning your actions, your feelings, your sufferings, your intent. THAT is why so many go unreported, they simply can't take it another time.
I hail and applaud every single raped man and woman who stands up against the assailant rapist, and drags him or her to court.
*What the heck do you thank if you don't want to thank a non-existent god?