Bro. Randy #fundie

It is amazing how the Bible agrees with itself. Just today, a brother and I were making rounds getting food for the dinner for the bus kids. At the chicken restaurant (we got 300 pieces of chicken for the bus kids and workers), as we were loading the chicken into the church van, a man approached us begging. It was obvious he had not eaten, and judging by his shakes, it was obvious he wanted more wine. He explained how he needed money because he had no job. We gave him a meal in the restaurant and offered to contact the rescue mission. We explained how the mission would give him a warm bed, three meals a day, clean clothes, etc. We also explained to him that he would be expected to work, attend church and attend chapel twice a day. He wanted no part of the work and chapel. In fact, while the brother I was with was getting his meal, I sat down with him and tried to share the Gospel of Christ. He wanted no part of that either. He just kept telling me how didn't have a job and how he needed money. My guess is that he wanted money for wine. Biblically, he has no right to eat until he works for his food. I am sick of people claiming that the church should meet the needs of everyone in the community who begs. It is the obligation of the church to take care of the brethren - those who are in the church who are serving God.

(Nice try, Bro. Randy, but Matthew 25:31-46 disagrees.)



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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