Remnant of God #fundie

Climate experts: Global warming doubts are ‘real science’

"A number of Ph.Ds have written a book chapter asserting that doubts about the theory of human-caused global warming should be considered “real science.” You know, the idea of basing hypotheses on documented evidence rather than a political agenda. But the National Science Teachers Association wants nothing to do with such an approach. Its executive director, David Evans, has written a letter to members insisting they must teach the agendas of the National Wildlife Federation, the North American Association for Environmental Education, the Campaign for Environmental Literacy, the Center for Climate Change Communication and other activist groups. What they must avoid, he contends, is the information compiled by the scientists who wrote “Why Scientists Disagree About Global Warming." –Source

This is a major fingerprint of the Roman Catholic popes. This has been how they have always dealt with truth that goes against their current agenda. They used this method during the Inquisitions, during Hitler's reign and they are using them today directly before they get the masses to bow to their lies and bow to them in open worship so as to be sealed for hellfire right before Jesus returns.

The fact many people across America have joined in the easily proven lie regarding global warming confirms they are going ahead with this no matter how many real Scientists step forward. And at last count there were 31,487 real Scientists declaring Global Warming to be a political fraud. And to top it off, the climate of the planet itself has backed the truth all over the world in every single persons very own backyard. From the massive snow dumps (100,8 inches!) occurring near the Vatican not too long ago to the fact a climate change rally had to be cancelled in Colorado due to a "monster snow storm" hitting them just yesterday! (rather comical don't you think?)

One thing we can always count on is the Pope will lie. He has no choice. Like the lying Pharisees before him, he worships the dying god of this world and so he will naturally speak Beelzebub's native tongue just as a child of God will naturally speak truth from the Holy Spirit. And since we know he will lie, we can use that truth to our advantage to not only expose them with every soul the Lord sends our way, we can also use the fact he will always lie to avoid his long prophesied agenda that much easier. It's really just that simple. In fact, many Christians have learned how to do this eons ago.

For example, the Bible says the seventh day is the Sabbath in numerous passages but the Popes of Rome claim it is Sunday. And so Sabbath keeping Christians all throughout History not only kept the faith, they were able to alert others to the truth as it is written in God's Word. Another obvious lie of Rome was easily avoided after obedient Christians throughout history read that their Lord Jesus says in Matthew 23:9, "And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven." But the Popes of Rome not only demand you call every priest "father," they demand you blaspheme and call the Pope "Holy Father." That is a term only found one time in Scripture, and it is the term of endearment Jesus Christ uses when praying to our Father in Heaven. (See John 17:11) And just to make this quick, as there are many more I can touch on, the Vatican also demands you baptize babies even those the Bible clearly says only adults who confess, repent and declare Jesus Christ Lord can be baptized. But since little babies cannot do that, the Vatican removed Acts 8:37 from all their Bibles.

Satan is the father of lies and any truth found on earth will be subject to attack no matter how big or small that truth may be because Satan hates the God of love that much. And so this global warming aka climate change fiasco will continue on all the way up to and during the 7 final plagues. In fact, it will be used by Rome to force every soul on earth to make the long prophesied decision regarding the mark of the beast. Rome will claim all the disasters are due to mankind's refusal to keep the Sabbath of Rome. And so they will pass a global law (first in the USA) forcing everyone to acknowledge their admitted MARK so as to appease the Lord. And so even though we see overwhelming proof that the Pope is lying about global warming in our own weather patterns in every nation on earth; it will still be declared as if it is warming. Reason being is that Satan really is the god of this world. Being as such his lie has to be uplifted above real truth whenever his lies are exposed. In fact this is what he lives for. Take the Bible itself wherein it is truth cover to cover and how he does all he can to rewrite the truth and even delete verses to hide the truth.

Bottom line is this. We are very close now! No, we don't know the day or the hour. But the fact the very events students of prophecy declared a few decades ago as being signs of the very end are right now fulfilling in regards to the Pope's plans to enforce his mark; we know that if the people we warn don't open their Bibles now, they may never open them because so many prophetic events have been fulfilled right before their eyes and they still stand in denial of it all. And why do they do such foolish things? They simply don't want to leave this earth and all the fun they can have in the flesh any more than Lot's wife could leave Sodom that day.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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