I have no respect for Shakespeare - though the world certainly does (because he was of the world). I can't remember the specifics now - but the amount of different English words he used in his books was significantly higher than the amount of one and two syllable words used in the KJV. People who will flock to see/watch (in a movie) his plays or read his plays complain that they can't understand the KJV - but you don't see them whining that they have to look up some of Shakespeare's words. With the KJV, we have a lot less words to look up - and it is certainly more valuable study time. I love The KJV Defined with the hard words at the bottom of the page, and Brother Cloud also has a book called (I think) The King James Bible Companion, which is basically a small dictionary that will fit inside a Bible case with your Bible - so you would always have it with you if you have one of those cases. His Way Of Life Encyclopedia also has all those definitions too. Add a Strong's Concordance and a Webster's 1828 Dictionary (both of which are available online and in most or many Bible programs), and you will have no problems (if you are saved and walking with the Lord) in understanding the Word of God.
"With the KJV, we have a lot less words to look up."
And with the NIV, you have even fewer. Or the TEV.
And guess what? You don't have to be "saved" to understand what the Bible says. Just like you don't have to be a rocket scientist to understand Shakespeare.
You just have to have more intelligence than the average stick of celery.
Ewww, you don't read Shakespeare, you watch it!
(In my experience reading his work sucks all the fun out of it)
Aside from that - he has no respect for a great writer because he used more words tan the book he worships? What a sad man indeed....
...Because the KJV is the only REAL important-sounding Officially Messed-with English translation of Gutenberg's German translation and various doctored Greek translations and texts that were vetted and messed with by the Byzantines, of material that was plagiarized by itinerant beggars who knew a good scam when they saw one.
On the other hand, Shakespeare was writing original plays from the "official" censored History of England, and other source material. He was writing drama and comedy and not passing it off as inerrant historical fact.
Go drink poison and play with snakes.
"I have no respect for Shakespeare - though the world certainly does (because he was of the world)"
Yeah yeah whatever, you are smarter and better than the whole world because you never studied or learned anything except that you were God's Chosen People.
"People who will flock to see/watch (in a movie) his plays or read his plays complain that they can't understand the
No. People complain they can't understand how a fundy can think a book to be 'infallible'. It's easy to understand the KJV. Judas hung himself. Also, he went for a walk and fell down and died. Most people of any kind of intelligence realize that means they both couldn't happen. Period.
"With the KJV, we have a lot less words to look up - and it is certainly more valuable study time"
Lies. You don't study the bible. You read passages and brainwash yourself into believing they mean this or that. A true biblical scholar would not even waste his or her time discussing issues with someone so determined to stay ignorant.
Arrogance for Jesus award.
Lying for Jesus award.
Stupidity for Jesus award.
Aren't your fundy neighbors gonna be jealous now.
So Shakespeare's bad because his work is intelligent and entertaining. Stunning. Could there be a clearer statement of fundie pride in ignorance?
And perhaps we don't "have to look up some of Shakespeare's words" because we already have solid English vocabularies.
"Nut-hook, nut-hook, you lie. Come on; I'll tell thee what, thou damned tripe-visaged rascal, an the child I now go with do miscarry, thou wert better thou hadst struck thy mother, thou paper-faced villain."
Henry IV, Part 2.
I think one of the main differences is that people don't tell their children that Shakespeare is an almighty omnipotent being who created the universe in 7 days.
You know, that we know of...
Put some extra strings and picks in your bible case too.
In real world, Shakespeare has no respect for you.
I have no respect for Shakespeare - though the world certainly does (because he was of the world).
Riiiiight. Because we just automatically respect everything that is of the world (because it is of the world).
"People who will flock to see/watch (in a movie) his plays or read his plays complain that they can't understand the KJV - but you don't see them whining that they have to look up some of Shakespeare's words. "
That's because people who watch Shakespeare are smarter than you bible masturbators. They can understand big words.
Actually I've complained about both.
That's why I don't read Shakespeare - It doesn't make any sense, and I don't have all of the memes required to properly lulz.
the amount of different English words he used in his books was significantly higher than the amount of one and two syllable words used in the KJV.
Shakespeare wasn't a semi-literate bronze age goat herder.
If you have to use a KJV Bible with the hard words explained to you, why bother using it at all? Why not just use the RSV, which is essentially a rewritten KJV with all the thees and thous removed and the obsolete words replaced with the modern ones? People are supposed to be worshiping God, not a 1611 English translation of the Bible.
So you don't respect Shakespeare because it's too hard to comprehend?
I would think you'd respect, yet fear, him for that.
Nutcase, yes, speaking idiocy, yes, but I'm not sure this is really fundie.... Scary and illiterate, I'll give you in a heart beat, but I'm not sure about the fundie.
Besides, don't most people learn new words by context, not dictionaries? Or did I just read too much scifi/fantasy as a kid and expect that sort of thing?
"With the KJV, we have a lot less words to look up"
But some of the words you think you know have different meanings now. Ten bucks says you think "help meet" is one word.
Please be poe.
Or Die in a fire.
*admits* I can not read Shakespeare (except in the original Klingon), I also despise classical literature. Still I'd see studying the bible as less valueable. If only because it interests me how languages evolve. You however have not heard that they do, otherwise, you wouldn't recommend that old dictionaries. Hint: There are already discussions about the meaning of words in contracts, made 100 years ago. :)
/I can't remember the specifics now - but the amount of different English words he used in his books was significantly higher than the amount of one and two syllable words used in the KJV./
*GASP!* Polysyllabic words! The horror! Too much for the brain to process! Well, maybe just yours.
One of the replies has this sentence:
"I had to read many of Shakespeare's works. I did not like having to read these because they all contain murder, incest, spiritism, etc. But it was not the worst thing I had to read."
There was a theory some years back that the King James Version of the Bible was written, in part, by Shakespeare.
(The theory went something like: The 58th word from the beginning of thus-and-such book is "shake", and the 58th word from the end of the same book is "spear", and the book happens to be the 58th book of the Bible. Or maybe the magic number was 57, like Heinz ketchup. I don't remember exactly.)
With the KJV, we have a lot less words to look up - and it is certainly more valuable study time. I love The KJV Defined with the hard words at the bottom of the page, and Brother Cloud also has a book called (I think) The King James Bible Companion, which is basically a small dictionary that will fit inside a Bible case with your Bible - so you would always have it with you if you have one of those cases.
This is just plain silly. If you read the words on the page and then have to read the footnotes to see what it means, why not just cut out the middle man and translate the Bible into modern words. It's already being translated from Koine Greek, so it makes more sense to translate the text once than to translate into 17th Century English before translating to modern English.
Please tell me you aren't actually this dumb!
Shakespeare used his colloquial (sorry, big word) language to write his plays and poetry. How was he supposed to know that we would dumb down the English language and allow words like bling-bling to be perfectly acceptable?
- it's psalm 46. When the AV was published (or revised, not sure) in 1610 WS was 46. Discounting "selah" count 46 words in and 46 in from the end and you get shake and spear. Anthony Burgess said that the original word translated as spear should be sword. It's a lovely idea, no way to prove it sadly.
In case you hadn't noticed Jerry, you've just called the entire American nation a bunch of badly-educated arrogant retards, which in your case is absolutely true.
KJV is still based on the pathetic ramblings of bronze age goat sodomisers, just got even more errors in it (if that's possible)
Except that the KJV is written in Renaissance English, same as Shakespeare's plays.
What a mouth breathing idiot. I was in a couple of Shakespeare scenes in tenth grade drama class and I understood it perfectly. We read The Taming of the Shrew in ninth grade and the edition of the book clarified certain words and terms. Did this guy even graduate from high school?
"I have no respect for Shakespeare - though the world certainly does (because he was of the world). I can't remember the specifics now - but the amount of different English words he used in his books was significantly higher than the amount of one and two syllable words used in the KJV."
"With the KJV, we have a lot less words to look up - and it is certainly more valuable study time. I love The KJV Defined with the hard words at the bottom of the page"
I hereby nominate Jerry for the 'You put the Mental in Fundamental ist Christianity Award'.
@Old Viking
"Beware the Oxford English Dictionary. It is of the debbil!"
The latest edition of the OED now includes the word 'Hentai'.
The anime "Bible Black" is Hentai .
Go figure.
"With the KJV, we have a lot less words to look up"
And it's a forgery, too!
But some of the stuff attributed to Shakespeare may be forged as well.
Wait a second - are you saying that you don't like Shakespeare because you can't understand him and prefer the Bible, but if people tell you the Bible is too hard to read, you argue that they don't bitch the same way about Shakespeare? I'm honestly asking, because I have problems following you.
I have no problem with Shakespearian verses at all, I quite enjoy them. I don't have much problem with KJV either, but as many other Bible versions (in both Swedish and English), it is VERY vague and non-specific. I don't see why you'd prefer that particular version above any other, especially as King James was commonly known as Queen James... But maybe you have a partiality to boys, Jerry. Who knows?
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