YHWH(64=Y25+H8+W23+H8) / the Grand Architect of the Universe (G.A.O.T.U.[64]) uses the elegant(64) mathematical model of GOD=7_4 or FOD=6_4 to planit.
The PlanEt Nestor is our 'next-door neighbors'. Humans have a nest or colony there. Google: Planet Nestor and 'coincidentally', some guy named Nestor has started a comic book called that!
Non-coincidental synchronic reaction: 5/21/13 16:25 "Miller 64, Miller 64!" ad, "It's not just a number, it represents a man..." - ad, "careful though, that kind of power can go to your head" - Progressive ad on ESPN 2
Is there an interpreter in the house? I know it's English, but it's not saying anything!
Also, how is a beer advert progressive?
Well, there's numerology, and the number 64, and...
*tilts head*
Um. I think something about a planet, and god, and conspiracies involving Miller?
...okay, so I don't have a clue either.
I understand the numerology part, the rest is just bullshit (squared). Numerology isn't necessarily math, it's how the numbers correspond to meanings. This guy is doing it wrong. The last two numbers should have been added until there is only one number, which is the one that has the significance because it corresponds to a spiritual or personality type.
Example: 64 (6+4=10, 1+0=1). The number he should have ended up with is one, which is considered a very powerful and significant number. If he had kept going he could have actually formulated an argument from all this but he doesn't quite grasp how it works.
1- Numerology is Heresy . You FAIL.
2- 'Nestor'? They're a race of beings all linked in a gestalt intelligence; what one sees/feels/thinks/tastes , all do. PROTIP: The Sci-Fi film "Battle Beyond the Stars" is not a documentary. You FAIL II.
3- 'Grand Architect of the Universe' is Freemasonry. Which - as part of the 'NWO' - is anathema to right-wing Fundamental ist Christain tinfoil (ass)hatters. You FAIL III, and have struck out.
4- ?????
5- You FAIL IV.
'It's Miller Time!' [/Peter Venkman] X3
Oh, you're trying qabalah, but without knowing what the hell you're doing, or the actual point. How quaint.
Observe, motherfucker.
YHVH is 26 via gematria. See, we're working in Hebrew, not English. Now, if you drop a "shin" in there - which is symbolic of spirit - you get YHShVH, which is a perfectly respectable way to spell Yeshua, or "Jesus." The Hebrew word for "name" is "shem" - ShM- which totals 340 via gematria. YHShVH is 326. So when someone prays in "Jesus name," they're quietly evoking 666.
Which should demonstrate you can either prove anything with this, or you need to reconsider your entire world paradigm.
Ok, I give up! No seriously, WTF is that person on about?
I only speak 2 numbers, 0 and 1! With those, I can own you, your life, your bank accounts, your cell phones, your cars.
In other news, DOG =4_7, Apples = handcarts, the Mona Lisa = mint jelly and fundamenatlism = the Wankel Rotary Engine.
This man needs some serious psychiatric help. I actually feel kinda bad for him. I can't help but wonder how he functions in the real world.
Unless he's a Poe. I'm just gonna tell myself he's a Poe.
That was the first time I saw what people were on about re: the edit button not working. First time since I started seeing complaints that it hasn't worked properly for me. Huh.
"the Grand Architect of the Universe (G.A.O.T.U"
GAO! 2U, KittyKaboom, and SpukiKitty. 'GAO' is the Japanese for 'ROAR!'
Therefore Brad here acknowledges Bastet, Sekhmet and Ceiling Cat?! Purr-aise teh lEOWd, and pass teh cheezburgers! =^_^= =3
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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