I can't believe your audacity. We live in a death culture where people are contracepting, murdering children on a daily basis (abortion), and the world's population is growing eerily older as we speak. There will be no more children to support your sorry bum when you are older. Why?? Because NO ONE is having children!!! There will be no more social security and no more "workers" in your nursing home. Why?? Because you all chose to have no more children. Look at Europe!! The Muslims are taking over because the Europeans are too selfish to have kids of their own!!!!!!
God Bless You.
*sigh* Another person who's convinced that not making dozens of little copies of yourself is somehow selfish.
And KP? The reason that the world's population is getting older is that people are living longer . Life expectancy has what, doubled in the last 100 years? And more children are living past the age of 5 (didn't infant mortality rates used to be close to 50%?). So, in other words, STFU.
'I love the insane and hostile rant, and the attempt to come off as "the good guy" by saying "God Bless You" at the end'
That's one of the silliest aspects of fundies. I've been there, done that, got the big rant, "when you die you will be horribly tortured forever and ever and in terrible agony and despair, which is really what you deserve. oh by the way, can you make me a coffee?" They are so off in their own world, they don't even see their statements as vile and hateful, heck, they're just trying to get you to see the light.
I don't understand how christians feel that it is somehow "godly" to breed like rabbits regardless of whether or not they're financially secure and/or responsible enough to be parents.
There was a local story about a family with *14* kids who had to foreclose their home because they couldn't afford it. Of course, all the kids were also home schooled.
Since when is "contracepting" a word?
Abortion is not murder, when the fetus is NOT VIABLE OUTSIDE THE WOMB, numbnuts.
And since when is choosing not to breed a "selfish" choice? The way I see it, it's the socially and environmentally responsible choice, so as not to overburden our planet.
Wrong. The estimates are somewhere between 9 to 12 billion in the next 30 years. What he really means is there are far less White Anglo Saxon Protestants reproducing, hence, fundies are losing their grip on cultural sway.
Oh yeah, can't wait to get pregnant so I can have an abortion too...
And if nobody's having children, why are there still maternity wards?
Then again, I do argue that intelligent people 0-2 kids, idiots like this 10-27. Bodes well for our species in the future doesn't it?
Then again, I'm one of those evil race-haters who have diluted the one true race.
antichrist said: "Then again, I do argue that intelligent people 0-2 kids, idiots like this 10-27. Bodes well for our species in the future doesn't it?"
Sounds like the movie Idiocracy by Mike Judge. A scary, scary future.
Really? Muslims taking over europe?
I don't see them doing that.
I think you are confusing "muslims live there!" with "they are taking over!"
Now if you excuse me the muzzein is calling...
KP's argument seems to be that God gives us a short life, blessed with many children, most of whom will die very young; while science has brought us long lives through control of the diseases that kill us and our children, but also the ability to not have children - which becomes a bit of a necessity once infant mortality declines.
Bad science, naughty science! No biscuit for you!
If controlling our bodies, and the organisms that parasitise them, was disobeying God's will, then God would be a jerk for willing such death and suffering in the first place.
Wow. I laughed for a little bit. Then I cried on the inside. This is one of the most insane things that I have ever read. Why do people try to justify their ignorance and thier intolerance? By the way- Mattural Selection- I've seen Idiocracy. It was funny, and also a little scary. Although, I've always thought that Buttfuckers, Family Restaurant would be a good alternative to Fuddruckers...
Spoken by someone who worships a god who died so that he could save us from death. And get into the kingdom of the dead.
But yeah, we live in a death culture. Of course.
Aqualung: Ditto. I was bored one day and thought it'd be a laugh. I was horrified. I know it's fiction, but it *did* really strike a "hey, this is familiar" chord.
As to the poster: I remember being in the hospital on 8/2/06 (that's August 2nd instead of February 8th, for you Europeans out there). They stuck two needles in my back, cut me open, and pulled out a shivering, crying, pudgy pink baby girl. If that wasn't giving birth, what exactly was it? Is she a pod person, or something? *Eyeroll*
One, muslims are 5% of the European population and their birthrate is similar to that of whites. And anyway, is the world as a whole having no children or not?. Or aren't you considering now muslims and non-whites as not human?
"Eerily older."
Yes, 'cause it's so strange to see people AGE.
And no one's having kids? Well, someone's gonna have to explain to me where my 2-year-old nephew came from.
Oh and i'm going to ask you to not use the final term there. I find it offencive for you to push your religion on me.
Also racist, "Oh no my race isn't having enough children, such and such inferior race might take over."
Yes lets have more children, there aren't enough starving people in the world.
If the world is so bad, how is it selfish not to want to inflict this on yet another kid? And how is it selfish not to want to introduce even more competition for the limited resources we have? In what kind of mind does this even begin to make sense?
Oh, and found this:
"Since you spend most of your life in never-never land, you might not be aware that you have an appointment to stand before the God of the Bible, and be judged by Him for your sins."
Has this been FSTDT'd? I think my irony meter has exploded.
It's not untrue that Europe is losing population (even WITH immigration) -- this actually will cause problems with social security/government programs since there will be a smaller working-age group and a larger retired group.
What's the answer? Dunno. But despite the excessive exclamation points and anti-Muslim sentiment, the demographics are actually sound here.
(As for overpopulation: the world is supposed to stabilize at 8-10 billion. If we get off fossil fuels, this is easily sustainable. World hunger is primarily due to war zones, food being hard to move to politically unstable areas etc. - more than enough food is grown to feed everyone on Earth, and in the US we actually pay farmers not to farm - because if the Great Plains etc were farmed to their full potential food would be too cheap for farmers to make a living.
We'll have to get off fossil fuels *anyway* due to climate change -- and that's the sustainability 'bottleneck'. China is a net exporter of food, and it has a dense population and not nearly as good farmland as the US. Malthusianism is always false with a technologically advancing culture - it only applies to a totally stagnant one.)
Imagine that. Well then, I suppose the twins we are expecting are just figments of our imagination. Good to know as then we won't have to stockpile baby clothes, get a new car or do up a room as a children room at home. Got ya.
200,000 new humans every day.
1.4 million babies per week.
70 million new mouths to feed every year.
9 billion people by 2050.
Do fundies ever fact check?
So I guess all those pregnant women I see are wearing pillows under their dresses and those prams I see being pushed around are supermarket trolleys in disguise.
I don't know why my supermarket stocks nappies (diapers) and other baby products, though. I mean, we have a lot of Muslims here in South Africa but not THAT many.
I haven't been "contracepting" for years and I have never had an abortion. There are still no children here.
I'm not sure I would be a good parent, how is that a selfish thought?
That reads like "I hate you and despise you, you are evil and selfish, and btw; have a nice day".
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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