For those who think that the “invisible Pink unicorn” is made up and would rather believe in the “FSM”, try to see the simularity of the stupidity of these two “religions” cos i truly think that the people of today have completelly gone out of their fucking minds! AARRH!
surely you’ve got to be a retard to believe this crap!
What i’m saying is that the design of this “FSM” looks like two testicles with lots of tentacles! what perv came up with that picture? it’s grossly indignifying to man kind!!!!
For those who think that the buy-bull is truth and believe in the jezuz myth; try to see the simularity of the stupidity of these two fantasies, cos i truly think that the christians of today have completelly gone out of their fucking minds! AARRH!
surely you’ve got to be a retard to believe this crap!
What i’m saying is that the design of this "jezuz" looks like two testicles with a big sweaty cock! what perv came up with that picture? it’s grossly amusing to normal people!!!!
Honestly, I'd rather worship some tentacle monster with two massive testicles, than the Judeo-Christian God of "Love" (and vengeance, sadism, and mass murder, I might add).
Luckily for me, I'm an atheist, and I don't have to believe any of that crap =)
What i’m saying is that the design of this “FSM” looks like two testicles with lots of tentacles! what perv came up with that picture? it’s grossly indignifying to man kind!!!!
So you hate your genitalia? Explains why you fundies always want your women to be virgins. You can't stand the thought of touching a place where a cock has already been, like it'll make you gay by proxy.
Fek'lhr, you son of a p'tagh, Kahless himself would cut you down where you stand, using that pitiful language of devotion. A true Klingon honors Kahless, but does not worship him!
"For those who think that the “invisible Pink unicorn” is made up and would rather believe in the “FSM”, try to see the simularity of the stupidity of these two “religions” cos i truly think that the people of today have completelly gone out of their fucking minds! AARRH!
surely you’ve got to be a retard to believe this crap!"
Do none of you fucking people know what satire is? Good god you're a bunch of thick headed imbeciles.
"What i’m saying is that the design of this “FSM” looks like two testicles with lots of tentacles! what perv came up with that picture? it’s grossly indignifying to man kind!!!!"
You can't possibly be this stupid. You just can't.
AARRH! Belay that, matey, let us all talk like a pirate then. Shiver me timbers and let's hear it for Saint Elmo, Davey Jones, and King Neptune.
Hip hip, Aaarrrh
Hip hip, Aaarrrh
(and honorable mention to the Simpson sea captain. Arrr)
How do you explain pirates, then, huh? And the beer volcano? Huh? Huh? Try and wiggle out of that one, you unbeliever!
I see, and corpse nailed to a tree isn't "indignifying" how?
I'll just ignore the fact that you don't get it.
The first time I saw a picture of the FSM, I saw a mess of spaghetti and a couple meatballs.
This fool immediately sees testicles and tentacles.
Both FSM and the IPU are FALSE gods who are second rate compared to the Holy Trinity that is Diskordia-Haruhi-Kukuri.
We will begin Holy Nuclear War in 5 minutes.
Have a good day.
P.S.: Whoever stole Rev. Naughtybrain's collection of FSM tentacle porn, please give it back. She's been ranting about it for a week, and no one can stand it anymore.
Because persecuting people who are gay, have a different religion/opinion than you, eat shrimp, and whatever else fucking ridiculous shit is most dignifying.
wow you just missed the point of both the FSM AND the IPU.
Look up "parody" and "satire" on Wikipedia, you might learn something.
Hentai? So that's why I like the FSM so much ;P
gkerr, just open your heart and you will be touched by his noodly appendage. If you don't feel his marinara sauce pouring over you, it's because you don't have enough faith. And really, penis envy against a piece of spaghetti? Just how small are you?
"try to see the simularity of the stupidity of these two “religions”"
"surely you’ve got to be a retard to believe this crap!"
* This is the point.
<------- This is where you went.
So close!
For those who think that the “invisible Pink unicorn” is made up and would rather believe in the “FSM”, try to see the simularity of the stupidity of these two “religions” cos i truly think that the people of today have completelly gone out of their fucking minds! AARRH!
surely you’ve got to be a retard to believe this crap!
what perv came up with that picture?
What perve notices those things?
I thought it was a joke.
I must be on a roll today with the perv references.
Jesus can also be pronounced "jizz-us"
(I have heard this one, almost had pepsi out my nose at it).
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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