"Hell's Society!"
A civilized society where each person is treated with respect and dignity and not tortured and killed simply for thinking differently truly is hell isn't it?
"It is almost beyond comprehension how wicked this end time society has become. People do not think at all like they once did. If the thinking and actions of this society of today could suddenly be transferred back to the society of fifty years ago, the people of that time would think they were suddenly living in hell. We have degenerated into an antichrist society through gradualism, and now the earth is ready to receive her king!"
Yes! The end of racism and segregation, the end of Christians dispersing the blacks fighting for their rights by spraying them with fire hoses, the end of the second-class treatment of women with their gaining of the right to vote, the end of the prohibition on interracial marriage, the end of the unjustified mistreatment of innocent Japanese Americans, our moral society really is going down the tubes!
"Homosexuals, lesbians, bisexuals, transsexuals, and so on are a sure sign of the very end of the world."
Book, chapter and verse please. And FYI, GLBT have always existed, even before Christians.
"The sodomite movement has become a large and accepted one with full government protection. On April fourth, the state of Iowa legalized "gay marriage," and other states are rapidly planning to do the same. (36) Fire and brimstone fell on Sodom and Gomorrah; why should America escape the wrath of the Almighty?"
Gay marriage, how horrible! When will this society escape such moral depravity and engage in much more moral practices of slavery and murder of all who disagree with the reich?
And yes, God must be outraged by this. This is what will cause the God of "love" to outpour his "holy" wrath on this country, not divorce which many Christians engage in, not Britney Spears's 48-hour "holy commitments", not the secretly loveless hetero marriages of closeted gays and lesbians forced and bullied into being straight, not the pedophiles and rapists who get away with their crimes, no, it's this, the loving commitment of two people of the same gender that will enrage God so much to throw one of his 2-year-old style temper tantrums. He's really been a bad, bad boy!
Seriously, if this is your top priority as far as a "moral society" goes, then you might want to consider sitting down and shutting the fuck up.