Joe Rutherford #fundie

My wife and I are painting our house, replacing carpet, etc. What we are doing is not intervention. It is our house. If we go next door and tell the owner of that house that we are going to make some changes to his house, that would be an effort of intervention. We do not have the right to do that. Since God is who He is. Since God made the universe and owns it, He is not practicing intervention by what He does. God is ruling with His own power, by His own will, over what is His. If God made turtles on one island with long necks and turtles on another island with short necks, then great. But leave it up to Darwin to come to the wrong conclusion. Observe, then try to figure it all out... always gets people into trouble. Therefore putting trust in the scientific method is foolishness. "What does it profit a man if He gain the whole world, but loose his soul to hell?" (Christ Jesus, co-creator of the universe).



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