My wife and I are painting our house, replacing carpet, etc. What we are doing is not intervention. It is our house. If we go next door and tell the owner of that house that we are going to make some changes to his house, that would be an effort of intervention. We do not have the right to do that. Since God is who He is. Since God made the universe and owns it, He is not practicing intervention by what He does. God is ruling with His own power, by His own will, over what is His. If God made turtles on one island with long necks and turtles on another island with short necks, then great. But leave it up to Darwin to come to the wrong conclusion. Observe, then try to figure it all out... always gets people into trouble. Therefore putting trust in the scientific method is foolishness. "What does it profit a man if He gain the whole world, but loose his soul to hell?" (Christ Jesus, co-creator of the universe).
"Observe, then try to figure it all out... always gets people into trouble."
Actually, they observe, form a hypothesis, conduct some experiments to test that hypothesis, observe some more, and repeat the process as many times as necessary to confirm that their hypothesis stands up. When it does, other people conduct more experiments, observe those results, and they keep testing things as they gather more and more information, to make sure it still stands up to scrutiny. Nothing gets called a theory in science until it has stood up to all that rigorous testing, and it will cease to be a theory if it's ever disproven.
This process is even more rigorous than a murder investigation, and how do you think they do that?
"Co-creator of the universe?" Wha the hell? God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit are supposed to be one..."thing" not three separate entities who share the credit!
So genetic differences based on location is just how god wants it? Well Joe, that is just moronic, which can be blamed on god too, but I think it's based on your weak faith. The truly faithful know what they know, they don't need to run down others.
Oh, and if god is the owner, I want a word. Have you seen the state of this dump?
Congratulations on the worst metaphor ever as a part of the opening of your statement. I've got to give you credit. I thought, when I started reading this one, that you'd be making an argument against gay marriage. Turns out, I was wrong. I didn't see the anti-science angle coming until you said it.
"If we go next door and tell the owner of that house that we are going to make some changes to his house, that would be an effort of intervention."
Now I have this image in my head of a group of neighbors gathering around in someone's living room, all seated, looking stern, and then, with an air of solemnity, informing the owner of the house: "Joe, I hate to break this to you, but... your carpeting sucks."
Yeah, trying to figure things out always gets people in trouble. I wish humanity had chosen to sit around with their fingers up their butts rather than figure out stuff. I mean, we'd all be so much better off without fire, wheels, electricity, anti-biotics, etc.
Science: it's too much work, so just say Gods made it - that should be enough to cure cancer, right?
Who needs antibiotics? Death by smallpox, flu, cholera or any other of the myriad diseases that science has rendered practically harmless to us is NOT Christian. Ugh, people like that are so intellectually lazy that it pisses me off.
They're hypocrites - if you're going to rally against science, you shouldn't be using the fruit of its labours to tell us. Know that the computer you clumsily typed this trash out on is literally worth more than you.
"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with senses, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use and by some other means to give us knowledge which we can attain by them."
- Galileo Galilei, Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina (1615)
"Therefore putting trust in the scientific method is foolishness."
Given the track record of science and the technology all around us, this may well be the stupidest statement I've heard all year.
"Observe, then try to figure it all out... always gets people into trouble. "
Poe or openly admitting he does not like science
I'm tired, and still suffering from a migrane, so I absolutely can't make any sense out of this quote. WTF does home renovation have to do with evolution? I guess it's not my fault that Christians come up with shitty analogies.
Well, ignoring the anti-intellectual credo expressed here, what I find amusing is the fact this asshole doesn't even know basic facts about his own religion. Such as the basic doctrine of the Trinity which clearly indicates that there are no "co-creators," just one God with three aspects. Referring to Jesus as a co-creator is clearly establishing a polytheistic structure, and therefore this poster is not a "Christian."
" Since God made the universe and owns it, He is not practicing intervention by what He does."
Sorry, but we put the Universe in the lost and found for the requisite 180 days and no one claimed it. It's ours now.
"What does it profit a man if He gain the whole world, but loose his soul to hell?"
Funny, one could ask the same thing to Pat Robertson.
So basically you are saying that God designed animals in such a way to make them look exactly what they should look like if evolution had occurred, but when people come to that conclusion he sends them to Hell for not believing.
And on top of that, God refuses makes himself obvious to us, so we are doubly damned for not knowing God exists.
Lovely God you got there.
Proof positive that Bible God is the creator of unremitting stupidity and undisguised lunacy. Bible God is increasingly becoming known as the God of mental illness, degeneracy, and the "can't handle the larger mammalian brain" syndrome.
The retreat of the human intellect into smaller and smaller cognitive dimensions is a symptom of abandoning reason for Sky Fairy delusions and will ultimately reduce the desperate sufferers to grunting meat-puppets whose minds have become as invisible as their God. Joe seems to be almost there.
'Christ Jesus, co-creator of the universe'
I found this rather amusing. I wonder who the architect was?
Ah, some good old-fashioned anti-science bullshit. A lot more entertaining than some of the more vile stuff we see here, and a great example of actually religious stupidity, rather than so much of the people using religion to justify their horrid views.
Not that this isn't horrid, it's just easier to watch. And laugh at.
Also, the scientific method is a general problem-solving method that you probably use every day at work.
Just saying.
I have owner-ship papers for our house, stating that I am the owner. When your god shows up and presents his owner-ship papers to the Universe, then we'll allow him to intervene.
Jesus was around in the beginning? How come he's not mentioned until the New Testament?
"Since God made the universe and owns it, He is not practicing intervention by what He does. "
Since god is imaginary he is not practicing anything. You however are practicing intervention, since your imaginary god does not exist to back you up.
Observe how they try to figure it all out:
"If God made turtles on one island with long necks and turtles on another island with short necks, then great. But leave it up to Darwin to come to the wrong conclusion. Observe, then try to figure it all out... always gets people into trouble."
They're Tortoises , you hay-for-brains! [/Fluttershy] [/'Tank'] X3
Always gets Cre(a)ti(o)nists into trouble.
Ceiling Cat, or Basement Cat...?! [/'Turtles All The Way Down' destroyed] [/hyper-smartarse] >:D
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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