... she [the author of Harry Potter] is a high preistess in wicca, which is witchcraft. All of her spells in the books are accurate. Because of her books, many many children, teens and adults have become Wiccan or NeoPagans. You do the math
Okay, let's do the math:
Blatant lie
+ Another blatant lie
+ Unsupported assertion that is
almost certainly untrue, or at
least wildly exaggerated
= Every reason in the world to ignore this and pretty much anything else you ever try to claim.
~David D.G.
Odd. last time I put on a pair of glasses, got some long greasy black hair, waved a stick around and yelled "avada kedavra", I just felt silly.
@ naturally_deselected
Imperio . =)
What math?
You are a douchebag.
"All of her spells in the books are accurate."
So when wiccans wants brooms to spring into their hands all they say is "up"?
Why didn't I ever try this?
she [the author of Harry Potter] is a high preistess in wicca, which is witchcraft.
= 0
All of her spells in the books are accurate.
= 0
Because of her books, many many children, teens and adults have become Wiccan or NeoPagans.
= 0
You do the math
0 + 0 + 0 = 0
so you're right about nothing
I know a fundie woman who would be getting the fucking of her life from Snape right now if Harry Potter is true. (Why anyone would want that I surely do not know) So no, unfortunately for her, I'm afraid it's just a kids story.
So, where can you buy a wand?
Don't talk about things you clearly don't understand. That only makes you look ridiculously stupid. The Harry Potter series are fiction, entertainment, amusement. The only thing that has happened is that JK Rowling is now VERY rich. One more thing: Because of her books, many many children around the world have learned to read in English, as they didn't want to wait for the books to be translated into their own language.
Wait a second, those spells are real? Hold on, I'll go buy my wand...
*buys a wand*...*tries to cast the torture curse*
Damn! The fundies were full of steaming shit! What a surprise!
How do you know the spells are real, have you tried them? Wouldn't that make you a witch too? I heard Ms. Rowling got most of her spell words from a Latin dictionary.
And while I'll take Wiccans or NeoPagans over fundie christians anyday, HP has no more converted anyone to these religions than Laura Ingalls Wilder's books got children to churn their own butter and burn hay to keep warm.
I tried, it did not work. You lied.
Her books states that you are born with magical powers, or you are not. How came one become a wizard through reading this story ?
See everyone. They aren't even remotely commiting to one faith. Many fundies and seemingly over half of RaptureReady posters believe in almost every supernatural or occult invention ever concieved. Even to the point of FICTION being included into their beliefs and fears.
There is nothing outrageous enough that they can't believe. Hollywood is Evil, Toys can be inhabited by Demons, Everything ever written is probably true or a scheme of Satan, Everone and every organization has wicked agenda except my cult.
It's no wonder cults are formed from Fundamentalist upbringing and beliefs: YOU PEOPLE WILL BELIEVE ANYTHING YOUR LEADERS SAY.
I really don't see what your problem is. Okay, granted, its quite likely that some kids will read Harry Potter, become curious, pick up a stick and try casting a spell. When nothing happens, they will realize that magic doesn't work. Then one day they'll try the same thing with prayer and...
Hmm, okay, now I see your problem.
No, the spells are not accurate, they are merely mostly "pidgin" Latin phrases for what you want to do. "Avada kedavra", for example, roughly translates as "be a corpse". (The root is Aramaic here, the original for "abracadabra" - "let the thing (illness) be destroyed".)
Harry Potter is somewhat of a Christian allegory, it even has a humble hero who sacrifice himself for the greater good, and comes back to life. YOU do the math.
Antsinmypants, I've been looking through your backlog of posts, and two questions keep coming to mind:
First, are you absolutely sure that you and your friends haven't been accidentally confusing your news outlet of choice's homepage with the blog for someone's irreverent, avant-garde, current-events-based Dungeons & Dragons chronicle all this time?
Second - do you make any of these posts while sober?
You know what, I'll toss a sub-question under the one just above: what combination of fermented organic matter do you need to imbibe in order to achieve this level of strangely coherent delirium?
No matter the answer, please keep posting gems like these - you make the mire of RR a little brighter each time you do.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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