"Well, science literally is the study of something."
Well, not exactly, but a good try for Bro.Randy.
"More specifcally, the scientific meathod is a process."
"Meathod?" Is that a device for hauling meat?
"During that process, a theory is formed. A theory is basicly a supposition, but it cannot be proven."
No, a hypothesis is formulated, after which relevant, controlled experiments test the hypothesis. With these results scientists construct a theory. You see, BR, a theory is supported be evidence, it is not just a guess or conjecture.
As science is always open to new, better evidence, few things in most braches of science can actually be proven. That does not mean they are wrong. They may be supported by all the available evidence, but there is always the possiblity of better evidence becoming available in the future.
"In real, honest science, observations are made and the theory is strengthened or disproven."
Sort of. You left out any mention of experiments or tests. Also, theories may be weakened without being disproven.
"However, with evolution, when observations are made, if they do not fit the theory of evolution or if they completely disprove it, they are discarded."
Untrue. Present some credible evidence that disproves the ToE and the scietific community and every media outlet in the world will be eager to see it and talk with you.
"In some cases, observations have been falsified, and in some cases, outright lies have been promoted."
True, and they have been uncovered and corrected by scientists, not Fundie preachers. Also, no group has been more active in falsifying observations and promoting outright lies than those pushing YECism.
"In any case, the science behind evolution is not honest, true science."
Bro. Randy, you wouldn't know real science if it walked up, introduced itself and wore a big sign saying "I am real science."