[In response to a poster asking if conservatives should be more inclusive to atheists and agnostics.]
God may forgive you, but I dont think I will.
You are WRONG!
How about we accept Communists, or welfare cheats next? Or murderers? Why dont we not even have a political party, invite everyone to come to Washington and just burn the Whitehouse?
What does the constitution of the US have to say about this?
It seems to me that what the Tea Party would be satisfoed with is a fully fledged theocracy, like Saudi Arabia or Iran.
The one group Janice forgot is The Gays! Now that was careless, and who wants careless people in power.
"God may forgive you, but I dont think I will."
Cool... you're an arsehole then.
"How about we accept Communists"
You mean like Jesus? I wonder if you think your god will forgive you...
Sure,you do that.
You know the REAL reason why you people lost the last election was that you just weren't fucking that chicken hard enough. So go on--start purging all the "fakes" from your midst, and don't stop until your party is finally completely ideologically pure. You keep pushing farther and farther Right until you fall off the edge of the Earth. I'm sure that will fix everything.
One of the reasons the Tea-Parties been dying off is, I hope, participants saw the acceptance of full-on bigots, KKK participation and all.
So now they're attempting to reform and rebuild, by apparently, being even more obviously bigotted,,oh, i'm sorry,,,more free-speachy.
"God may forgive you, but I dont think I will."
So there's proof that the Tea Party people see themselves as higher than God.
Hm. Pretty sure conservatives don't necessarily have a problem with burning down the Whitehouse at the present time.
You're only going to attract certain types of people if you equate atheists with murderers and welfare recipients with cheaters; those types are ignorant, hateful, prejudice assholes.
"God may forgive you, but I dont think I will."
'To err is human. To forgive, divine . '
So you admit that you are inferior to your 'God'...?:
...but hey, he's willing to accept paedophiles , so that's no surprise.
Yeah! Because Jesus and his disciples never hung out with sinners, lepers, and pariahs! No, they only ever hung out with the most self-righteous and pious people of their time.
God may forgive you, but I dont think I will.
So you admit that you don't follow your god's example. I'll give you this, you're an honest hypocrite but you're still a hypocrite.
As Communism is essentially the political opposite of Conservatism, I don't see why you should incorporate Communists into your group, but you should accept them as people, even as liberal me tries to accept that you may be a human being.
Murderers and welfare cheats are criminals, remembering of course that not all persons on welfare are "cheats."
Atheism is not a political position nor a crime... but then again, I can't see why any thinking persons would want to be associated with a ridiculous conservative group such as the Tea Party.
"God may forgive you, but I dont think I will."
It's just dawned on me! That's a line from a Bette Davis movie!
Looks like the Tea Party very dates.
Your god sure does have a tender ego. He supposedly created everyone to have free will but then when they don't believe in his great invisibleness he gets all butt-hurt and lashes out like a 3 year old. Why would the all powerful creator of the universe give a flying fuck that some puny human doesn't believe? Yeah, that sounds like someone worth worshipping.
"Why dont we not even have a political party, invite everyone to come to Washington and just burn the Whitehouse?"
I'll bet that idea would have some legs within your infantile joke of a party, so long as the "ni__ers" stayed inside.
invite everyone to come to Washington and just burn the Whitehouse?
Hi, I'm Ted Cruz, total off the deep end nutjob junior senator from Texas. I agree with everything Janice White said, even if she is a woman and sounds suspiciously liberal. How do we know she hasn't taken money from North Korea?
"Why dont we not even have a political party, invite everyone to come to Washington and just burn the Whitehouse?"
Anjem Choudary, is that you?
invite everyone to come to Washington and just burn the Whitehouse?
If you mean Whitehouse, NJ (or Ohio), I'd rather you stay home. Sure you don't mean the White House in DC?
Since you all worship Ayn Rand so much, it mightn't be a bad idea to include some atheists.
Also: I am willing to best there are some bastards receiving government benefits they really don't need in the Tea Party.
I visited the original source and the most interesting part is Janice White's motto:
Teach the 3 G's at school: God, Guns and (No) Government!
Wow. image
I just don't understand how people can have such horrible, outdated prejudices as the Tea Party. Tea Party; have you ever wondered if maybe your ridiculous, arbitrary hatreds and barbaric, borderline-Christofascist worldview are the reason that no one likes you or takes you seriously?
"God may forgive you, but I dont think I will."
So much for that reputation of Christlike forgiveness.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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