Wayne #fundie topix.net

Animal husbandry at the universities throughout the world all require two different types of animals to procreate; one male and one female of the same species.
homosexuality is a sickness of the species!
If Jerry Brown likes to support people contaminating their penises with fecal material, then he has no logic and will be opposed should he run for governor.
We need leadership who actually can think. He is too old and thinks too much. I have no confidence in Sacremento government> Those folks can't think appropriately to govern.
Jerry, go to any cow barn to learn what is healthy sexuality and what is not! A college course in cow genetics might shed some light on your sexual confusion.
Even Linda Ronstadt knows what is right!
Didn't you take health classes in high school!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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