"I wonder whether people in the American movie business are aware of the pink ghetto phenomenon, and are trying to preserve their dominance in the global movie industry."
Oh boy... nobody tell W.T.F. Price about Anime, then.
"K-ON!", "Girls und Panzer", "Strike Witches", Puella Magi Madoka Magica", "Aria", "Lucky Star", "Pani Poni Dash", "Queen's Blade", "Sekirei", "Date A Live", "My-Hime/Mai-Otome", "Galaxy Angel Rune", "Koihime Musou", "Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS", "Moretsu Pirates", "Haiyore! Nyaruko-san/W", "Sailor Moon Crystal"...
...and not just recent years: "CardCaptor Sakura", "Tokyo Mew Mew", "Dirty Pair/Flash", Sailor Moon (TOS)", "Azumanga Daioh", "Galaxy Angel", "Vandread", the list goes on.
Pink [i]Bishoujo[/i] Ghetto.
Fact: "K-ON!" is said to have saved the anime industry from the Dumbya-created worldwide recession. The power of Pink.
And for fuck's sake, nobody tell W.T.F. Price here about "The World God Only Knows", lest his head goes all 'splody. [/Rokku Cannot Be Stopped] X3
All those female seiyuu making a ton o' Yen. Oh, and anime director Keiji Gotoh would like a word with you: he married Megumi Kadonosono, the chief character designer in the anime powerhouse triumvirate that is gimik. [/"Uta~Kata"]
oh, and five letters, four women: CLAMP.