David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesusisprecious.org

The hierarchy of the Secret-Societies have been deeply involved in the Black-Occult since they have existed. This includes the ritual sacrifice of children and babies. This knowledge has been kept from the minds of society at large until more recently. It is now only a matter of time when the masses of the people become fully aware of the real agenda behind the secret societies and the true purpose of why they exist.

Aleister Crowley — Initiated to the highest levels of Freemasonry and high priest of the Golden Dawn, said: "A white male child of perfect innocence and intelligence makes the most suitable victim."

In the US each year 400,000 children are reported missing.

In the UK,98,000 children are reported missing.

Shockingly, Aleister Crowley's famous saying, DO AS THOU WILT, actually came from Benjamin Franklin. Franklin was an occultist, Satanist and indulged in child sacrifice. Franklin attended the drunken, ritual orgies of a secret society called, among other things, the Hellfire Club. They would get drunk, dress prostitutes up like Nuns and have orgies in underground caves, which resembled Black Masses (although they "worshipped" pagan deities Bacchus and Venus). While not actual professed Satanists, their motto Fait ce que vouldras (Do what thou wilt) was later used by Satanist Aleister Crowley. Truth is indeed stranger than fiction.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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