Nathan Bickel #fundie

Some of you (who are older) may remember the past popular movie, “The Omen” Its subject focus was an adopted boy born under mysterious circumstances. Eventually, (over a series of maddening events) the adoptive father is finally persuaded that “Damien” is demonic and evil. He attempts to rid the world of this demonic personage scourge, but is shot and killed in the process. The boy ends up being adopted (again) by the US Ambassador to Great Britain. The final shot of the movie concludes with “Damien slowly turning to give the camera a diabolical smile.”

Although no analogy is perfect, America’s (aka) “Obama” can be somewhat compared to “The Omen’s,” Damien. Obama’s birth background is shrouded in secrecy. [3] [4] Everything about Obama smacks of a negative (devilish) nature. [5 ] He, like Damien, is an evil scourge of deceit and death to American lives who surround him. [6 ] The most recent evidence of that scourge, is the Obamacare debacle, which involves multiple millions of American lives.


Aka, Obama, is an American (socialist / communist) Muslim / Marxist patsy. No one person since the 1900's has achieved as much success altering this country’s political landscape as aka, Barack Hussein Obama. Granted, Supreme Court decisions such as Roe V. Wade and forced busing did its political correctness damage. Also, uprooting First Amendment religious expression from the public school system and neutering local school boards, have been part and parcel of dismantling traditional, patriotic and Constitutional America, in favor of introducing the false gods of political correctness, secularism and multiculturalism.

The aka Obama “pieces” are being assembled. The demonic Obama “dots” are being connected. As reality would have it; aka Obama, is America’s Omen child. Aka Obama was convinced that he would be (someday) America’s future president. [7 ] Harry Lennix has now come forward to relate how he trained aka Obama to become “presidential.” [8 ]

Obama and his loyal Marxist cabal: A major reason why Obama proliferates his demonic deception and lies:

Those of you reading the aforementioned, may think that this author proposes, a far stretch. That, position has been the propagandist online “conspiracy theorist” assertion of the online ridiculing, Obamabots. Their deceptive argument, is that aka Obama appeared on the American scene, because he was a fresh face in the political arena. Up until the present, they had been successful in touting aka, Obama, as a well-spoken, family man and “Christian,” who was privileged to be America’s first black president. Of course, those informed, well know that this Obama public packaging, is riddled with propaganda lies, as well as Obama’s ID fraud documents. Reality has it, that aka, Obama was the best shot fired by the socialist mindset to destroy America. What could not be achieved by individuals such as Elizabeth Duke, and her Weather Underground comrades, had to be accomplished by their noxious radical political offspring.

There is no way that aka, Obama could have been elected the first time around as US president, had he and his cabal (support) marketed him for what he is now truly revealed to the American people. It was imperative that aka, Obama, lie through his teeth with his deceptive “hope and change” promises. He was the “perfect” candidate for the communist cabal. Anyone who opposed him was (then) labelled a racist. His lifestyle lies duped Americans, who, only desired for themselves and their posterity the best material success possible. Their craving for material success blinded them to the spiritual reality of aka Obama’s depraved human nature. Hence, Obama was first (reportedly) elected by a majority of the “Christian” vote who conveniently overlooked Obama’s Illinois senator support for Infanticide. Such fools they were; and, some still are.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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