"You really don't know much about Roman Catholicism do you? It is the most heretical, unbiblical load of crap there is. Ever been to Rapture Ready? The apologetics topics are 90% of the time about Catholics because of how completely unbiblical they are."
You really don't know much about right-wing Fundamentalist Christians, do you? They are the most heretical, hypocritical, politically transient bullshitters there are.
Especially those on Ruptured Retards. Many of these Protestants are prepared to jump into bed with the Devil himself, as it were, purely for the sake of trying to get rid of Obama; they are prepared to vote for (P)rick Rantsorbum:
A Catholic.
Yeah. That's sticking to one's Christian principles all right. [/mega-sarcasm]
Whilst I consider the Northern Irish politician/preacher Ian Paisley as one of the UK's worst bigots out there; who would make the mere reading of the phone directory infinitely more terrifying than Revelation itself, who could make a hurricane seem like a goose farting in the fog, re. his being so vociferous about the evil that is the Catholic Church, Popery in all it's vile forms (particularly Catholic doctrine), and the Pope himself, I'd sympathise with him about how fundie Christianity in the US has completely warped Protestantism (and how, nay, why it was created in the first place); almost Mobius-strip-esque in the way it's been perverted into a doctrine that is trying to out-Catholicise the Catholic Church, especially relating to contraception, & abortion.
Martin Luther, King Henry VIII, King James I, King William of Orange, Oliver Cromwell et al, you might as well not have bothered.