Because Electrical Engineering doesn't conflict with your religious beliefs? It doesn't address religion and your Bible certainly doesn't mention the trade.
The very same reason creationists make up "Scientists who don't believe in Evolution" lists that are mostly comprised of Dentists, Pharmacists, Engineers or Theologians? Fields that have no religious conatations except theology which can aptly be described as a doctorate in myth.
Ever hear of the absent minded professor or The idiot Savante? Or how about that dummy you grew up with whom everyone calls when their cars acting up?
You could be a whiz-bang champ of electrical theory and useless when it comes to wiring an outlet up, happens all the time.
I, by the way work on hot tubs and have corrected problems that Industrial Electricians can't figure out (they oddly don't get relays or tranformer continuity, which is odd as modern machinery, especially three-phase current would have relays) yet some customers without training have pinpointed the problem.
In other words, you could be top of your class , in the field for years and recognized as one of the best but be humbled by the damn janitor someday. Your accomplishments certainly make you no expert on the nature of the Universe, scientific fields or the validity of Biblical claims.
Here's a good question for you: How many contradictions are there in Electrical theory?