Leah #fundie blog.christiandomesticdiscipline.com

At the same time I knew that wearing a dress made me look and feel more feminine. My husband liked them. I liked me in them. More importantly, it helped me maintain a more submissive attitude toward my husband, and a more ladylike attitude with everyone else. It helped me in my walk as a Christian woman. So what was I waiting for?


THEN my husband threw a wrench in my spokes when he asked me to stop wearing underwear under my skirts. This was NOT an order, so don’t go getting all upset with him. This was him half-jokingly telling me he’d really love it if I were perpetually “available” to him, and since he is such a wonderful husband, I wanted to submit to that request.

So now on cold days I wear crotch-less pantaloons with knee-high socks or hose. They are made from soft cotton muslin. They usually have a ruffle or lace at the edge. They are comfortable and definitely make me feel feminine, and I am still “available” for my husband. Problem solved.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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