Gilad Atzmon #racist

The above video is rapper’s Joyner Lucas' "I'm Not Racist." It's uncomfortable for some of us to watch, but within a few days it was viewed by 12 million people. The video opens with a big white man in a "Make America Great Again" hat ‘speaking his mind,’ by expressing what many white Americans believe about blacks. In the second verse, the song takes a surprising turn -- a young black man in dreadlocks tells his story and counters each of the white man’s identitarian generalizations.

Why has I’m Not Racist attracted millions of viewers? Because unlike Western academia, media, politicians and progressives who try to suppress the way people think and express themselves, the artist here attempts to reshape the universe, offering a prospect of unity. While oligarchs and their identitarian lapdogs push us into race wars, religious conflicts, immoral interventionist disasters and identity battles, beauty focuses on the universal. Art shows us how to escape from the dystopia inflicted by the Soroses and their cultural and political mercenaries.

In I’m Not Racist’s final scene we see forgiveness. The white and the black men reconcile. The big Trump supporter and the young black man embrace. Human bonds prevail. Let us try extend this exercise a bit. Can we imagine an Israeli and a Palestinian telling each other what they really think about each other? I think we can. Can we think of a Jihadi Muslim playing a similar role with a global war enthusiast? I think we can.

But what about a Goy and a Jew? Can we envisage a video of a Goy shouting angrily at a Jew what many Goyim think about Israel, choseness, the Fed, Goldman Sachs, Soros, Hollywood, the Holocaust industry, the Holodomor, Palestine, AIPAC, CFI, the Lobby, Weinstein, Epstein, Lord Janner? Would a video with such content survive for one day on youtube? Can we also imagine an angry Jew standing in front of a camera sharing the Jewish side of the story? Will he proffer the Jewish view of the world and in particular, the Goyim? Will he tell us the meanings of Goyishe Kopf, shiksa and Shvartze ? I suspect that we all know the answer to this. It is not going to happen for the same reason it has never happened.

Those who self identify (politically) as Jews are often removed from the realm of the universal. When they ‘oppose racism,’ they are too often primarily concerned with antisemitsm. Even when they support the Palestinians, they do so within racially exclusive Jewish political cells as JVPs can attest. When they fight for ‘freedom of Speech on Israel’ within the Labour Party they still operate as the ‘Jewish’ Voice for Labour and form an ‘all-Jewish panel.’ It is a reasonable argument that the Jew/Goy relationship is volatile territory, guarded and even policed by a variety of means including legal measures.

Rapper Joyner Lucas crosses the black/white divide because for him being in the world is being amongst others. To achieve the same goal, Jews must find a way to rid themselves of all traces of choseness and exceptionalism. And here is the Jewish dilemma once again – when Jews do that, when they drift away from choseness, they become ordinary boring humans, they stop being Jews they become Goyim. Some Jews in the past have chosen this path – they have successfully blended into the universal.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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