"most dismiss the story of noah based solely on the animal episode. usually the arguements are; How could the all animals fit on the ark? Did Noah travel around gathering up the animals? What did they eat? And so on."
All damned fine questions if you ask me. And that isn't even touching on the problems with the actual flood itself.
"Most would not ask these questions had they done a little research."
Unfortunately, since there is no physical evidence of a flood of such magnitude, the only research that can be performed is researching the mythology and that leads us to discovering that it's pretty much a verbatim copy of the Gilgamesh flood myth.
"Most records (scripture and non-canonical) including myths tell us that the animals CAME TO NOAH."
Which we see no evidence of. No such mass migration to a single place by every animal on the planet has ever occurred. You would almost certainly have to have every animal of the species migrate in order to get at least some of them to Noah but we see no such thing.
"many accounts support one another in this. It is mentioned in Genesis; Jewish legend, early Jewish-Christain texts; and the number of important myths particulary those found in mesopotamia."
As I've pointed out elsewhere, you can't use mythology to prove mythology. It just doesn't work like that.
"all these agree that God sent the animals to Noah."
Then why don't we see the mass migration evidence that we'd expect to see? Or do you really believe that just two penguins walked/swam all the way from the Arctic Circle to meet Noah? Not to mention the problem of getting the animals from Australia to him.
"This is not as strange as it may sound for the animals also came before Adam in the begining to receive their names...as many records also indicate."
Mythology, as you may be aware, often doesn't line up with reality.