mucilofamucil #fundie

On the topic of vaccinations for HPV we have considered a government mandate in favor. It is unappealing to lovers of freedom that a thing should be forced upon them, especially when that thing seems beneficial enough in itself as to not need enforcement. Despite this distaste, we can recognize that effective mandates for HPV vaccinations would minimize the proportional occurance of the disease in our society. But is this a good thing? Who is this good for and who is it bad for? Let's face it: only reckless sluts benefit from this mandate. Who suffers under such a thing? Surely society suffers, as personal responsibility and intellectual Darwinism become diluted under this kind of governmental regulation.

So if there has to be a law about HPV vaccinations, they should be illegal. STDs are good tools for reminding society that there are consequences for behavior.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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